Author Thread: How do you know if you should get married

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How do you know if you should get married
Posted : 2 Jul, 2018 08:35 PM

This evening when I arrived at the gym, I was pleasantly surprised to see a lady that I had been talking to in the past. I explained to her that GOD wants to see restoration and that I also want restoration. I told her that I would like to see her and her ex-husband get back together. I explained to her that her ex-husband appeared to want to work things out between themselves. I was glad to see that the lady seemed releaved by the words that I said, and she asked me 'how do I know if I am ready to get married.' I explained to her that I had met some nice muslim women, but I will not be marring a muslim woman. (I do not know how clearly I stated the next part, so I plan on being clear at this time.) I have a different end goal than what a muslim woman has, so if I got hitched up with a muslim (budhist, wiccan,or a non-believer) it would be like hitching a goat and a horse up. The two would be working against one another. 20 years ago I was a diffrent guy than who that I am today, so it would not be correct of me to marry a woman and expect her to not change in the next 20 years. Thats why core beliefs are important.

I do not think that some people think about the purpose of marriage, I guess that they assume that the point is to have as much fun as they can...but that is not true! To say something like what Gary Thomas said( 'what if GOD designed marriage to make us Holy, and not only happy' As Christians we have a job to do, the incorrect thought says that people should get married for the sole purpose that the quality of life that they have will improve (and it might) I kind of think of it like a band...I am searching for a lead guitar player (sure the band can play music with just a bass guitar,keyboard, and drums)

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How do you know if you should get married
Posted : 4 Jul, 2018 07:36 AM

I'm no expert but I would hope that as Christians we would have prayed about it, and taken the time to get to know each other. I think that as a couple you should be able to talk in depth about your relationship. What are your hopes and goals for the future, marriage should be something you've already discussed, and both agree that that is the direction the relationship is heading. It's not something you should be enter into lightly or hastily out of desperation, I know a man who married a woman 3 months after he met her, it was his second marriage and her first after a turbulent 3 years together they are now divorced.

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How do you know if you should get married
Posted : 25 Aug, 2018 01:51 PM

We should pray about it! Hopefully God will give you the go ahead, with the feeling of peace about it. One thing the Bible says, don't be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. So Christian should not marry a non believer You maybe asking for problems !!

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