Author Thread: What would you say to this person?

What would you say to this person?
Posted : 16 Apr, 2018 12:08 PM

Something to consider:

A person suggested that a another Christian was 'delusional' because they believed they could NOT be married for the first time in their mid-50's... As far as I understand what happened that person who made the comment was angry because the other person did not appear to be interested.

NOT sure why that conclusion was arrived at because they knew nothing of the persons' background.

Some might refer to that as a sweeping statement?

I'm quite surprised that there might be people who feel that way and yet might be trying to find someone and 'they have had no success ever themselves'.

I think the English term is 'calling the pot black'...

What do you think?

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What would you say to this person?
Posted : 16 Apr, 2018 10:48 PM

Let me encourage you my dear sister... Please forgive the person who said those harsh words to you. There is no judge but our God, and in His hands lies our future and our life. For those reading this, let us just be loving and wise. We should always think first before we speak. If the words are hurtful, consider self-control. May the fruits of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) manifest in what we think, say, and do. God bless us, brothers and sisters in Christ.

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What would you say to this person?
Posted : 16 Apr, 2018 11:00 PM

That is the message I will give to the recipient of those harsh words. To the person who sent them, I will block him/her because I am not interested on any unsolicited confrontation. There is no use arguing or reasoning with a person who can make such judgments.

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What would you say to this person?
Posted : 17 Apr, 2018 06:40 PM

I agree with you. Thanks for your kind response. This only makes me more determined to put more faith in God. He makes things so beautiful in the end and some of His children have beautiful hearts too. Thank you.

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What would you say to this person?
Posted : 14 Jun, 2018 10:38 AM

I'm reminded of Sara mocking the angels when she overheard she would be a mother at her old age. She was reprimanded (correct descriptor?) for not having faith/not believing what God's messenger(s) stated. Look at what happened to John the Baptist's father.

If this is about you and something someone said to you. Ignore it. The adversary is always lurking. I forget which book its in, but not all adversaries are Satan or from Satan. Some are from God. As to why God places adversaries in our path we don't know. Good assumptions are that they are to mature us ( to learn how to deal with difficult people and how to eat an elephant one bite at a time), for us to see our faith or lack of it, etc...

You're a beautiful woman. I'd rest in being a Child of God and let it go at that, even though your heart burns for a husband just as many others do. Read Matthew 19. It's quite an eye-opener.

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