Author Thread: Do men feel unconfortable with a woman who is more educated than they are and why?

Do men feel unconfortable with a woman who is more educated than they are and why?
Posted : 3 Mar, 2009 01:33 PM

I just have to ask this question. I'm a soon to be medical doctor( not very soon, but soon:glow:) and I've seen it as a turn off from guys... especially christian guys when I mention this. So guys, let me know what's your point of view.

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Do men feel unconfortable with a woman who is more educated than they are and why?
Posted : 3 Mar, 2009 02:06 PM

If a woman can have a Ph.D and still reverence her husband as Ephesians 5 says (even if he is a plumber), I don't see it as a problem. Men in general desire to be looked up to, and if a woman is much more educated than he, he probably feels intimidated that she wont respect him. My sister had a 4.2 in high school and straight A's in college with a tough major...her boyfriend is a high school grad. I think he feels "dumb" sometimes.

I think the onus is on you to find a man you can make sure to reverence. If you show him honor in this way, he will be delighted that you have worked hard in academia.


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Do men feel unconfortable with a woman who is more educated than they are and why?
Posted : 3 Mar, 2009 02:31 PM

Hi David,

Great post, as usual. I do want to add to it though.

I think it is also important to not let your career become an idol. It is much easier than you might think, especially in fields like medicine. When this happens, not only does your relationship with God suffer, but the one with your spouse as well. I do agree that if you stay well grounded in the Bible, you will be fine, and your education should not matter.



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Do men feel unconfortable with a woman who is more educated than they are and why?
Posted : 3 Mar, 2009 03:23 PM


I agree with David and Leon and also would like to add that if a man is secure in who he is in Christ and he knows that you respect and admire him this should not be an issue. We all have different gifts and abilities, one is no more important than another.

God bless, Lydia

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Do men feel unconfortable with a woman who is more educated than they are and why?
Posted : 3 Mar, 2009 08:55 PM

Great replies everyone. From your fingers to other folks hearts...I hope.

While education should not matter, it does however. A college degree doesn't seem to matter too much, but once a person moves past that, there is a difference. Some men seem to become intimidated. Everything will be fine....the issue of education comes up and that is all she wrote. Poof he is gone.

In addition to the intimidation factor, there is also a time factor. As a teacher AND a student, I cannot simply drop everything on a whim. This is most likely true for Genuine (sp?) as well.

I was a missionary and will be returning to the mission field when God determines it is time. In the meantime, I am studing for the doctorate that will be needed for the job he wishes me to do. This has nothing to do with me and all to do with God. Many days, I would love nothing more than to quit and return to a lovely normal life. However, as has been pointed out previously, while we have free will, that means we also have free will to do as God wishes.

We each have roles to fulfill. We also have free will to choose to fill those roles or not. Sometimes the roles can be mighty uncomfortable.

On another is not only found in schools. Some of the wisest and smartest people have limited "book learning". Their knowledge and wisdom needs to be acknowledged and honored as well.



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Do men feel unconfortable with a woman who is more educated than they are and why?
Posted : 4 Mar, 2009 02:39 AM

thank you all for the great replies. They all make sence. I know I reallly want to become a doctor and it has nothing to do with me, but With what God is calling me to. And of course I'll have to make sure that God and my futur family are the nr1 priorities.


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Do men feel unconfortable with a woman who is more educated than they are and why?
Posted : 4 Mar, 2009 03:06 AM

I agree with everyone but if I had to pick a FOCAL POINT it would be what Lydia said that it is important that a man Know who he is in Christ. It is not your job sis to think or feel you are doing anything wrong.

Yes, I know you desire to be in a relationship with a Christian Guy and not a worldly guy and my advice to you is to realize what season you are in with your life now and to find you a verse in the bible and Lock on it like a bulldog and do not let it go We have a COVENANT with God and the bible is a LOVE letter to us with promises. Here is one free of Charge

Psalm 37:4 Delight thyself also in the Lord ; and he shall give thee the desire of thine heart.

That word DELIGHT in th Hebrew Mean PLIABLE

To be pliable means willing to obey God and he said if you obey me I will give you the desire of your heart.

So God bless you in your career Plus with your tithe from your check you will be able to empower the Kingdom and if you set your desire to Bless the Kingdom I promise you God will send you the Man of God that think The same way and you and him will do damage in the Kingdom od Darkness.

:nicenurse: Way to go champ:waving:

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Do men feel unconfortable with a woman who is more educated than they are and why?
Posted : 4 Mar, 2009 03:53 AM

Thanks so much, Thomas

I've been reading "God, the matchmaker" book by Derek prince and he talks about this verse and how it all depend on how much i obey and trust God to let him do what he predestines for me.

And Leon, you're right, I do agree with you in a lot of things..hahah

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Do men feel unconfortable with a woman who is more educated than they are and why?
Posted : 7 Mar, 2009 01:22 PM

Well, for myself I would have to say yes a little. I don' think it would make or break anything particularly if I found out after already getting to know them. If we had several things in common and were getting along I don't think it would matter. However, if I was looking at your profile it might make me not send you a message. Just me of course.

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Do men feel unconfortable with a woman who is more educated than they are and why?
Posted : 14 Mar, 2009 12:16 AM

Oh, I am so glad you asked this question! I'm not a soon-to-be doctor or anything, but I definitely relate to the whole premise of the question. I have been told more than a few times by guys I've dated (or almost dated) that they think I'm either too smart, or way smarter than they are (Note that I'm NOT saying that I am smarter than they are, they just ASSUME I am). At first I thought it was some sort of excuse (why would you dump someone for 'supposedly' being smarter than you?) but I've heard it too many times for it to be a fluke. I assume it's because I've inadvertently made them feel insecure about themselves. It is a bummer though because it has at times made me feel bad about made me wish I wasn't so smart. But that's just me being very very...stupid.

So I assume it's because they feel insecure about their own intellect to date a smart woman, but since I'm not a man, I don't know for sure.

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Do men feel unconfortable with a woman who is more educated than they are and why?
Posted : 19 Apr, 2009 11:25 PM

I don't, but the facts that I've seen is that the more educated the woman is, the less submissive she is and the more egotistical she is. These are both major turnoffs to men as well as being sin. So, if an educated woman can keep God at the forefront and her roles according to God in view in a relationship/marriage, that is, Eph 5:22-24; 1Pet 3:1-7, Titus 2:1-5 and Proverbs 31:10-31, then being more educated can work. These verses apply to all women, of course, not just the more educated.

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