Victory, all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord. Stay in God's word and the teahcingss of sound doctrine. And when you do have children as God says, make it a point to write His word on their foreheads, meanings read it, teach it, talk it,and pray into their minds so they wil not depart from it, and you will be blessed of God.:glow:
Steve, I pray that you will continue to grow in the Lord and become the father God desires of you toward your daughter in all things. Keep her close in your heart and the teachings of Christ, and you too will be rewarded with the sure blessings of God.:glow:
I'm sorry to hear you never had the opportunity to celebrate Father's Day with your father, but I'm sure you had a male figure to share this day with in your life as a child growing up like gandpa or uncle, etc.
And now that you are grown, have you ever celebrated Father's Day with a male figure in your life? I realize it may not be the same as a child growing up without a father to celebrate Father's Day, and/or even as an adult.
I have not had that experience, but my sister/nice who lost both parents at the age of 6 months was raised with me as my sisiter, so she parttook of our celebrations as children and as an adult in all things.
Now that she is in her 50's, about 10 yrs. ago she expressed that she use to feel to lonely inside during these special occaissions as a child and in her young adult years, becasue although she called my dad her dad,and my mom her mom, she knew they were her grandparents, and she always wondered what it would have been like to have her parents during the Christmas or on Mother's Day or Father's Day.
Nevettheless, know that even so God your Father is the only one who can fill all voids in our lives, and He will take the places of all our missing pieces, people , places, and things.
I honor your mom, she sounds like a very strong woman to not remarry after the death of your father. God calls her a woman who is a widow indeed who made the choice not to remarry. God bless her and you in all things of the Lord...
I just looked at your profile. YOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL; WOMAN! I bless you in the powerful name of the Lord, and my prayer is that God willHimself grant you His marvelous blessings and favor in all things. And that He will bring forth the perfect goldy mate suitable for you according to his will, plans, and purposes for your life.
Always remember, never settle for a mate who is less than who your are in character... any woman can find a man, just to have a man... but it take a godly woman to seek God out for a godly man God desires for her whom He has special designed with qulaities and character matching you in image ahving all things in common in hearts, fear of the Lord, and as one spirit to spirit in oneness with the Holy Spirit.. A threefold cord isn't easier broken...
Determination in your prayer request before God, giving Him thanks for answered prayers according to His will, before you even have an answer. Paul teaches us wen we do this, the peace of God which surpasses all (human) understanding will guard (protect) your heart and mind through Christ Jesus.. Philippians chapter 4...
@ETcallhome - thanks for those wonderful words. :glow:
I know and believe and declare that God is preparing the right man for me and my son. I will not settle for anyone less than who God had prepared for me and my son. :glow: