Author Thread: Why comers only.........I said why comers. If you ain't gonna post on the why comes don't click on this forum topic. Yeah, I said it. But mainly I really was kinda jell-us of Barefootguy's reign as the longest forum topic heading poster and figure if I keep writin', I might have a chance to come in first place plus get on everybody's nerve, are you still reading this? You crazy as me. Did I win?

Why comers only.........I said why comers. If you ain't gonna post on the why comes don't click on this forum topic. Yeah, I said it. But mainly I really was kinda jell-us of Barefootguy's reign as the longest forum topic heading poster and figure if I keep writin', I might have a chance to come in first place plus get on everybody's nerve, are you still reading this? You crazy as me. Did I win?
Posted : 15 Oct, 2010 05:27 AM

Why comers, ET, who is a sweet ol...(cough)....I mean, seasoned lady, started a why come post a few weeks ago that only a few ppl posted on....

I was going to start a new one but we can finish that one out.

It's bout halfway down the page in dating stories and experiences. It won't probably get as many views, but as long as we are having fun, right?

See yall there.

Why come yall still here?

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Why comers only.........I said why comers. If you ain't gonna post on the why comes don't click on this forum topic. Yeah, I said it. But mainly I really was kinda jell-us of Barefootguy's reign as the longest forum topic heading poster and figure if I keep writin', I might have a chance to come in first place plus get on everybody's nerve, are you still reading this? You crazy as me. Did I win?
Posted : 18 Oct, 2010 02:35 PM

Why come I just joined you all?

Why come cats rule and dogs drool?

why come a pastor in Florirda brought a lion into his service?

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Why comers only.........I said why comers. If you ain't gonna post on the why comes don't click on this forum topic. Yeah, I said it. But mainly I really was kinda jell-us of Barefootguy's reign as the longest forum topic heading poster and figure if I keep writin', I might have a chance to come in first place plus get on everybody's nerve, are you still reading this? You crazy as me. Did I win?
Posted : 18 Oct, 2010 03:37 PM

Why come everyone still wants to see me naked and rolled in sugar?

Why come I like cats but prefer dogs?

Why come I have class tonight?

Why come I keep posting fewer and fewer why comes in my posts?

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Why comers only.........I said why comers. If you ain't gonna post on the why comes don't click on this forum topic. Yeah, I said it. But mainly I really was kinda jell-us of Barefootguy's reign as the longest forum topic heading poster and figure if I keep writin', I might have a chance to come in first place plus get on everybody's nerve, are you still reading this? You crazy as me. Did I win?
Posted : 18 Oct, 2010 07:07 PM

Why come ET crack me up so much?

Why come I'm glad the Monday is almost over, even though I had a good day?

Why come I love, love, LOVE (but with shoes and socks on) my great-nephew?

Why come my pot roast turned out perfectly and really hit the spot yesterday?

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Why comers only.........I said why comers. If you ain't gonna post on the why comes don't click on this forum topic. Yeah, I said it. But mainly I really was kinda jell-us of Barefootguy's reign as the longest forum topic heading poster and figure if I keep writin', I might have a chance to come in first place plus get on everybody's nerve, are you still reading this? You crazy as me. Did I win?
Posted : 19 Oct, 2010 09:48 AM

Why come nobody has posted since last night?

Why come I need to go running in about an hour?

Why come people think I'm crazy?

Why come they don't need to remind me, because I already know?:ROFL:

Why come my craziness has nothing to do with running?

Why come the weather is beautiful and its the middle of October?

Why come my Economics paper got a good grade after I spent an entire night working on it while half asleep and sneaking in a two-hour nap in the middle of it?:peace::rocknroll:

Why come I was more tired this morning than yesterday despite getting a good nights sleep (a good night sleep for me, anyways)?

Why come I'm wondering if this emoticon :hearts: either has a superpower to shoot hearts out of its eyes or has a serious medical condition?

Why come my why comes are getting rather filled up with words, and why come I didn't just shorten it by typing the word "wordy"?

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