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Author Thread: The M Word--And I aint talkin bout marriage

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The M Word--And I aint talkin bout marriage
Posted : 16 Apr, 2011 09:07 AM


please don't get crazy here. Don't get critical and don't judge me.

I'm bold and I say what others think, so for real, don't think I'm a "bad girl" or anything, I just want opinions.

We are all family, or should be, in Christ.

With that said, as my brothers (cause I've already asked the ladies on our forum), answer this question for me.....

Is pleasuring oneself wrong? Please read between the lines because I don't think I can use the M word here.

If it is wrong, what biblical backing do you have? And what do you do to make it through lonely nights and vulnerable moments?


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The M Word--And I aint talkin bout marriage
Posted : 17 Apr, 2011 01:30 PM

Browneyedgirlky, I will not apologize. You people, the ones that are making a big deal out of this, are just waiting for me to say something that you can run with.

I'm not giving you that satisfaction. I posted 100 different replies and that's all you can point out. Say what you want, God is watching.


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The M Word--And I aint talkin bout marriage
Posted : 17 Apr, 2011 01:37 PM

Finally, for the record....and then I'm done with this post and I'll let y'all go back and forth with one another....

I'll be honest and say this...which may also ruffle feathers but......

I posted this in the Ask a Guy section because I kinda thought that the women may react the way most of you guys are.

As disappointed as some of you may be in me for askin the question, I'm disappointed in you for not being understanding and walking in LOVE. Such a shame. When I talk to unbelievers about why they don't like the church I get the same answer.....


That's pretty sad guys. Pretty sad. SMH!!!!!!!

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The M Word--And I aint talkin bout marriage
Posted : 17 Apr, 2011 02:04 PM

Hey errrr-body:waving:

This topic was brought to my attention, as to what I thought about the discussion of the "M" word, I suppose as I have read its about mastubation. So I wll give my 25 cents worth, and give Biblical references for you to look up in your Bibles.

I also see that there are those who think this topic is inappropiate because its on a "christian site"... cuse me?..:laugh: dumbfounded...Christian site?... just trying to figure out what being on a chirstian site has to do with the topic... and does this also mean the thugs and scammers ( menn and women) who are on this site who says they are Christians should be respectful becasue they are on a Christian site??...maybe I missed something.:goofball:

Anywayzzzz, There are those who think that the topic should not be discussed in mixed company of men and women, cough...cough, I need some air:excited:

Then we have the group that think the topic is not addressed in the BIble, well, to your dismay, there is nothing under the sun that God has not covered in His word for believers to follow.

And of course, we have the mature group who find no problems discusiing this topic because it is a real life issue that many SAVED, UNSAVED, AND THE SO-CALLED SAVED struggle with, and some let's get real... This topic is for the MATURE Christian and person, and all others should not enage in the discussion if you are not mature and are easily offend by the topic, because there is nothing in the world that is not included in God's word of truth, whether you like what God has to say about it or not, and everybody's sins are included in the word of God..

I realize there are some who can't discuss certian things that happen in the world amongst people or about their sins, and thee are those who are suppose to be Christinas and are still in the world, or the sins that they themselves commit behind closed doors, but God see all your sins.

So lets be honest, many people don't like discussing sexual toipcs because of one of two reasons (1) They are not mature enought to understand and handle the topic (2) They themsleves are guilty of practicing such sexual immoral sins, and don't care to hear the Biblical truth of God's word, declaring what they are doing is a sin, because they would like to think of themselves as good Christian men and women without sins that are behind closed doors, and people don't see.. BUT GOD can see and knows the truth of the matter. So if you're caught up in mastubation, repent, turn yourself away from it, and keep it moving...

Now lets start with what God has said in the Bible on this topic of sexual immorality. And if you really want to know the truth, then get your Bibles out and look up these scriptures for yourself,and read, then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free, but first you must deal with, and receive the truth before you can be set free. Then come back and continue the discussion with Biblical knowledge.

This is what the Bibke says, and this is not based upon my opinion, But God's truths: (1) God becomes very dispelased with Onan for casting his seed (emitted/masturbation) upon the ground instead of obeying God, and having children with his dead brother's wife, so God killed him. Genesis chapter 38. Sexual immorality which is lusts of the flesh is sin, doesn't matter if you're sleeping with a man or a women, sleeping with a man or woman outside of marriage or by your lonesome self, all sexual immorality is sin before God, and He says those who commit such will not inherit the kingdom of God... did you not know that your body belongs to God? It is the temple (house) of the Holy Spirit where He is to make His home inside of every believer? Therefore should not the believer present their bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God? We are not in debt to satistfy the desires or lust of our flesh, but we are in debt to please God and obey the Holy Spirit. And if you practice mastubation then you have made yourself a slave to satisfy the lust of your flesh. Romans chapter 8.

I Corinthians chapter 6; Ephesians chapter 5; Galatians chapter 5, there are many more scripture about sexual immorality and committing sin in the body, but if you read these you will be able to put one and one together and come up with sexual sins that God hates.

Even the lust of the eyes as Jesus speak about looking at a women or a man with sexual desires is a sin. God says we will give in account of all our sins whether we commit them in the body or outside the body.

Great topic HG, and marvelous responses from t hose who feel this topic is one that should not be hid but openly discuss among MATURE CHRISTIANS PEOPLE... morality, this is a life changing matter.

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The M Word--And I aint talkin bout marriage
Posted : 17 Apr, 2011 02:26 PM

OH, I forgot something I feel is important... some of you are all wigged out about this topic being discussed on this... cough ...cough site, being that you say its all Chritsian and stuffff. but out of all of you who feel such. I wonder how many of you CDFF Chritians, are stil engaging in sex with men you meet on this site, and /or with your old boyfriends and/or girlfirends... so is that sinful to have sex outside of marriage, or is this having sex outside of marriage something allowed to be discussed on CDFF the cough...cough... the christian site? jutsss asking:zzzz:.. btw, and what makes this a Christian site, shhhooo ain't some of the people who are on it?... in the words of Charlie Sheeeeeeen, duh...winnin!:peace:


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The M Word--And I aint talkin bout marriage
Posted : 17 Apr, 2011 02:31 PM

For the few Christians who haven't yet searched the internet to really research the debate on this topic, I wanted to mention that Onan wasn't M'ing, he was having sex with a woman and using her instead of doing what he was expected to do, so that passage of Scripture has no usefulness in discussing the M word. And every other Scripture that the previous poster (who mentioned Onan) is most likely mentioning sexual immorality in general, which means it doesn't mentioned M specifically at all, which means it is also useless in determining the acceptability of M because a person could call anything they wanted to "sexual" and try to use those Scriptures to back their own personal belief up. Just because a person thinks something is sin doesn't mean God agrees with them. God had a gazillion laws about wrong sexual practices in the Old Testament, and M'ing could have easily been mentioned by God there, but it wasn't. Therefore, it's still a topic open to seeking God about, and certainly not one that people should be throwing the judgement stick around about.


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The M Word--And I aint talkin bout marriage
Posted : 17 Apr, 2011 02:32 PM

ET, thank you so much for having my back. I was kind of wondering about Onan and what not.

WOW!!! That's all I can say. You are something hit the nail on the head, with biblical backing.

See, I've been saved for a long time and I have a great relationship with the Lord, but these people on here don't me from a can of paint. They don't know if I just got saved and needed answers or not. They just want to judge and sound "spiritual." They end up sounding religious. Womp, womp, womp. Time to grow up and talk like adults. Whether we talk about it or shy away from it, it's still going on!

I knew it would be a big deal, but I aint think it would go down like this.

Sometimes I think it's not what is said, it's who said it. Please sista, read between the lines on that one. Some people on here, and I won't call names, have been waiting to get at me because I post the questions I do. And the M word post was their chance to "give it to me." But I have a very tough skin, so they gotta come harder than that. When I post something about the bible, or christian entertainment companies or walking in love, nobody replies. But when I talk about something like this, 500 people reply. Hmmm...wonder why?

Tells a lot about people.

Anyway, I'm glad you said....

" realize there are some who can't discuss certian things that happen in the world amongst people or about their sins, and thee are those who are suppose to be Christinas and are still in the world, or the sins that they themselves commit behind closed doors, but God see all your sins.

So lets be honest, many people don't like discussing sexual toipcs because of one of two reasons (1) They are not mature enought to understand and handle the topic (2) They themsleves are guilty of practicing such sexual immoral sins, and don't care to hear the Biblical truth of God's word, declaring what they are doing is a sin, because they would like to think of themselves as good Christian men and women without sins that are behind closed doors, and people don't see.. BUT GOD can see and knows the truth of the matter. So if you're caught up in mastubation, repent, turn yourself away from it, and keep it moving... "

The same people talking down on me are the same ppl who turn around, on the forum, and flirt with one baffles me.

Well, like I said, to those who can't handle Holy Ghost Girl posts, don't even click on them. Pharisees


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The M Word--And I aint talkin bout marriage
Posted : 17 Apr, 2011 02:37 PM

Gourd00, thanks again man.

See, the whole Onan thing troubles me because I don't think he was doing the M, I think he was doing what you said.

No need to really debate it, I guess.

Don't want to get anyone's bloomers in a bunch.

I've asked the Lord and haven't really gotten an answer, and I can say this, the Lord talks to me often and in detail, just hasn't said anything much about M.

That's one reason I asked my "fellow Christians." I thought I would get the answer in love and not all of this judgement.

The Lord has also shown me, every time that I waved my lil judgement stick around and thrown stones, that I'm really no different than anyone else. I struggle with things,too.

Just like Peter denying Jesus three times. If you live long enough, the things you judge and criticize and pick ppl apart for, may be the very thing that comes back to bite you in the behind!

Thanks again Gourd00!

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The M Word--And I aint talkin bout marriage
Posted : 17 Apr, 2011 03:17 PM

The example on Onan was not to say he was involved with mastubation, the point is that we are told that God was displeased with him because (1) he disobeyed God's commands to marry his brother's wife and bear children(2) instead, he wasted (spilled) his seed on the ground (emitted means to discharge). The seed of a man is important to God. And this is what happens when a man is involved in mastubation, he spills (waste) his seed on the ground as God points out in the scripture. (Genesis 38:verse 9)

Sexual immorality of any kind or form is throughout scripture is sin, and is plain in God's word. Those passages speak what is God's feeling and His attitude sexual immorality as being sins ... and as I said these are not my opinons this is found in the word of God throughout His word.


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The M Word--And I aint talkin bout marriage
Posted : 17 Apr, 2011 05:23 PM

Onan, was tied to her by Levirate law. This law was a grace from God. that a Man's bloodline would not die, if he passed from the earth childless. His brother would step in, and provide son/daughter to his deceased brother. This child-person would later inherit his/her father's property.

Its not the issuance of semen that is sinful outside of natural intercourse. By God's design, after enough seed has built up, the human male has nocturnal emissions, which are beyond his control, as he is asleep. Is man wrong because of a Flawed design. Of course not.

Onan undermined God's clear purpose of the law. And was attempting to gain his brother's property, by fraud. If she is barren, there is no heir, and the dead man's property goes to the next of kin. A ten commandment's violation: thou shall not steal.

In the matter of the seminal fluid/law that was covered in Leviticus 15:32. A man who for any reason, was ritually unclean, and could not participate in the sacrificial meal that evening.

I can think of several morally legitimate reasons. "M" in a cup, at a fertility clinic, for a childless married couple, being the first.

As for being a tough subject of conversation here, We can talk about the subjects of Death, Hell, Judgement, but not search for Biblical truth and understanding about some subjects?

Or is this a matter of not so much what was said, as it is about how it was said?


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The M Word--And I aint talkin bout marriage
Posted : 17 Apr, 2011 06:48 PM


I was trying to be lighthearted and disarm a situation. I wanted everyone to laugh, relax and grow beyond this.

I ended my point with Jesus' words for a very clear reason.


I think the way, not so much as the how is what offended some who are more tender. There are some who follow the Lord who are weak, Paul talked about not being a stumbling block for your brothers/sisters.

Yes, talking about truth, and finding the correct side of a matter is important.

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."

From what I gather:

You are on a search for truth. You want to ascertain with higher certainty which of the two positions is correct. I don't know for sure what you are looking for. Ether Scripture, or church tradition/teachings or if its a democratic thing where More people said X then the others who said Y

"ETcallhome" echoed the Roman Catholic line almost verbatim, which came from (IMHO) bad exegesis.

My first response on the subject, dealt with it from a different stance.

However, there are still members of CBFF who feel for what ever reason that the subject itself is taboo, impure, unclean or unacceptable for the venue. (my internal question arise: "if not here, where and if not now, when?)

Paul talks about looking out for those with a weaker conscience. If eating meat is a sin for them, but not for you.. don't trip them by eating meat before them.

Back to the point of this.

Even if the question itself doesn't offend your sensibilities, why create a cause for your brother to stumble when he can't bear the asking of it.

I think someone mention moving the thread to "Christian morality", that might not be such a bad idea.

There are some who feel the way the thread was named, tricked them into viewing something they would rather not have. I can't know how to deal with their feelings on this. but I hope everyone can extend enough grace, and forgive each other.

and start over.

I don't think you meant harm, but you dug in defensively, and that stance has made people most likely believe the worst, rather then the best.

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