Author Thread: Why Come??!?!!?! :)

Why Come??!?!!?! :)
Posted : 15 Nov, 2010 01:30 PM

Why come my B-Day was last month does that still count to

cash in on cdff why come thread to get a bit of extra tlc from y'all?

Why come it seems cdff holds their rules & standards differently

person to person?

Why come it seems the caliber has changed significantly?

Why come puppies dig in dirt but paddle in water?

Why come the movie WinDixy was not all that great?

Why come its freeeeeezing?

Why come it doesn't "feel" like Thanksgiving?

Why come Bonez are better than bones?

Why come it takes 98 lic ks and 15 su c k s to get

to the center of a too tsie pop?

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Why Come??!?!!?! :)
Posted : 20 Nov, 2010 07:41 AM

Why come a nights sleep can help us feel better?

Why come I hate being bothered by people I don't want to talk to?

Why come I have 1,000,000,000,000 things to do before 15 people come over?

Why come my great-nephew is so very cute, cuddly, happy, fun, smart, funny, clever..... a great-auntie could go on and on.

Why come the "big storm" turned out not so bad?

Why come I'm itching to go walking as I haven't been able to all week?

Why come I'd rather cook or bake than run errands and dust?

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