Author Thread: Why comers only.........I said why comers. If you ain't gonna post on the why comes don't click on this forum topic. Yeah, I said it. But mainly I really was kinda jell-us of Barefootguy's reign as the longest forum topic heading poster and figure if I keep writin', I might have a chance to come in first place plus get on everybody's nerve, are you still reading this? You crazy as me. Did I win?

Why comers only.........I said why comers. If you ain't gonna post on the why comes don't click on this forum topic. Yeah, I said it. But mainly I really was kinda jell-us of Barefootguy's reign as the longest forum topic heading poster and figure if I keep writin', I might have a chance to come in first place plus get on everybody's nerve, are you still reading this? You crazy as me. Did I win?
Posted : 15 Oct, 2010 05:27 AM

Why comers, ET, who is a sweet ol...(cough)....I mean, seasoned lady, started a why come post a few weeks ago that only a few ppl posted on....

I was going to start a new one but we can finish that one out.

It's bout halfway down the page in dating stories and experiences. It won't probably get as many views, but as long as we are having fun, right?

See yall there.

Why come yall still here?

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Why comers only.........I said why comers. If you ain't gonna post on the why comes don't click on this forum topic. Yeah, I said it. But mainly I really was kinda jell-us of Barefootguy's reign as the longest forum topic heading poster and figure if I keep writin', I might have a chance to come in first place plus get on everybody's nerve, are you still reading this? You crazy as me. Did I win?
Posted : 15 Oct, 2010 08:18 PM

Why come it took me a moment to get the brown striped draws?

Why come I just thought 2spar liked prison fashion?

Why come K9 need to man up, strip and go see Canada?

Why come K9 gonna blame why comes if he do bad in class? You won't!

Why come all yall postin here?

Why come I thought ppl would only view here and post in the othr spot?

Why come being a grandma solidifies ET's seasoned position?

Why come I'll lay back on BFG's couch if he lay on mine?

Why come he have to keep his shoes on?

Why come ET tryin to take us to the mothership?

Why come I can't go cause they may try to cut me open try to figure out what makes me thick and fabulous?

Why come I will sing at Edw & Saved wedding?

Why come only karaoke Word Up by Cameo at the reception?

Why come I win (ET said so) and I want to win just cause?

Why come I want to learn to pole dance so I can dance for my future husband like Jamie Lee Curtis in True Lies?:dancingp:

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Why comers only.........I said why comers. If you ain't gonna post on the why comes don't click on this forum topic. Yeah, I said it. But mainly I really was kinda jell-us of Barefootguy's reign as the longest forum topic heading poster and figure if I keep writin', I might have a chance to come in first place plus get on everybody's nerve, are you still reading this? You crazy as me. Did I win?
Posted : 15 Oct, 2010 09:19 PM

Why come If you want someone who will eat whatever you put in front of him and never say it's not quite as good as his mother's, you need to adopt a dog!

Why come If you want someone always willing to go out, at any hour, or as long and wherever you want you need to adopt a dog!

Why come If you want someone who will never touch the remote, doesn't care about football, and can sit next to you as you watch romantic movies, you need to adopt a dog.

Why come If you want someone who is content to get on your bed just to warm your feet and whom you can push off if he snores you need to adopt a dog !

Why come If you want someone who never criticizes what you do, doesn't care if you are pretty or ugly, fat or thin, young or old, who acts as if every word you say is especially worthy of listening to, and loves you unconditionally, perpetually you need to adopt a dog!

Why come, on the other hand, if you want someone who will never come when you call, ignores you totally when you come home, leaves hair all over the place, walks all over you, runs around all night and only comes home to eat and sleep, and acts as if your entire existence is

solely to ensure his happiness you need to...

Why come You thought I was gonna say marry a man, didn't you?...adopt a cat! :excited::excited::ROFL::ROFL::dancingp::ROFL::yay:

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Why comers only.........I said why comers. If you ain't gonna post on the why comes don't click on this forum topic. Yeah, I said it. But mainly I really was kinda jell-us of Barefootguy's reign as the longest forum topic heading poster and figure if I keep writin', I might have a chance to come in first place plus get on everybody's nerve, are you still reading this? You crazy as me. Did I win?
Posted : 15 Oct, 2010 09:22 PM

Why come BG can just shake what her mama gave her without lessons?

Why come ET's post is so dog-gone tired?

Why come I want to come to Saved & Edw's wedding too? And not just to hear BG sing.

Why come I'm feeling so good when I should be feeling down? Must be a God thing.

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Why comers only.........I said why comers. If you ain't gonna post on the why comes don't click on this forum topic. Yeah, I said it. But mainly I really was kinda jell-us of Barefootguy's reign as the longest forum topic heading poster and figure if I keep writin', I might have a chance to come in first place plus get on everybody's nerve, are you still reading this? You crazy as me. Did I win?
Posted : 16 Oct, 2010 05:35 AM

Why come lost her dern marbles with this crazy long Topic Title?

Why come GL is so kind?

Why come people who want it quite are the Loudest tryin to git everyone else

to shut upp?

Why come the saying is. Walk A Mile In Their Show... I think its you'll be a mile

away and you'll have their shoes?

Why come it doesn't matter what temperature in a room is as its always


Why come if at first you don't succeed, try not to look shocked?

Why come the ocean would be much deeper if their were no sponges in it?

Why come if two wrongs don't make a right, try three?

Why come us women can't put on mascara with their mouths shut?

Why come 'Abbreviated' is such a long word?

Why come Doctors call what they do 'A Practice'?

Why come the time of day with bumper to bumper traffic is called 'Rush Hour'?

Why come sheep don't shrink when rains?

Why come Con is the opposite of Pro, so is Congress the opposite of Progress?

Why come I miss edw as we've not been able to have our normal 2 and 3 hour

conversations as I've been wiped out by the time I'm home from work?

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Why comers only.........I said why comers. If you ain't gonna post on the why comes don't click on this forum topic. Yeah, I said it. But mainly I really was kinda jell-us of Barefootguy's reign as the longest forum topic heading poster and figure if I keep writin', I might have a chance to come in first place plus get on everybody's nerve, are you still reading this? You crazy as me. Did I win?
Posted : 16 Oct, 2010 09:38 AM

Why come Saved3 waits until everyone goes to bed until she posts her why comes?

Why come she be talking about shrinking sheep wearing somebody elses shoes shocking congressmen during rush hour?

Why come K9 is doing his presentation about right now picturing everyone naked and rolled in sugar?

Why come I'm hungry because somebody forgot to send me some beans and neckbones?

Why come I like my beans soaked in Arkansas pure spring water (intstead of retch retchy water) with hog jowls or fat back, cornbread with cracklins, and a big glass of ice tea?

Why come half of ya'll never heard of cracklins, or hog jowls even?

Why come some of ya'll probably think I put crack in my cornbread?

Why come ET is disin' cats when cats are way cooler than dogs?

Why come she forgets cool folks are called cool cats, or when someone does something bad, they are called a dog?

Why come GL laughs picturing me do my impression of a redneck James Bond?

Why come if James Bond was a redneck his name would be Bubba Bond,ya'll?

Why come he'd be driving a Ford F250 with mudders and mudflaps with chrome nudie girls on them instead of an Astin Martin?

Why come he'd be sporting a Rebel flag instead of the Union Jack?

Why come he'd probably have a mullet and drink Bud longnecks instead of martinis?

Why come I've used up my allotted space and gotta go before ya'll think I really do put crack in my cornbread?


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Why comers only.........I said why comers. If you ain't gonna post on the why comes don't click on this forum topic. Yeah, I said it. But mainly I really was kinda jell-us of Barefootguy's reign as the longest forum topic heading poster and figure if I keep writin', I might have a chance to come in first place plus get on everybody's nerve, are you still reading this? You crazy as me. Did I win?
Posted : 16 Oct, 2010 09:44 AM

Why come Edw thinks only those from R KAN sass know what cracklins and hog jowls are?

Why come Edw will KNOW what good iced tea is when he can have some make with fresh clear Hetch Hetchy water?

Why come Edw doesn't finish his Why come?

Why come we are all waiting to hear how K9s presentation came out?

Why come I need to go do yard work?

Why come Arch is back to visit? Come over to the Why Comes, Arch!

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Why comers only.........I said why comers. If you ain't gonna post on the why comes don't click on this forum topic. Yeah, I said it. But mainly I really was kinda jell-us of Barefootguy's reign as the longest forum topic heading poster and figure if I keep writin', I might have a chance to come in first place plus get on everybody's nerve, are you still reading this? You crazy as me. Did I win?
Posted : 16 Oct, 2010 10:31 AM

Why come my last why come got cut off?

Why come BG's mama so old she owes Fred Flintstone a food stamp?

Why come She can remember when rainbows were in black and white?

Why come she tried to sell BG's car, Herbie, for gas money?

Why come she can remember when Mr. Clean had an afro and Cap'n Crunch was a Private?

Why come she still thinks she needs a token to get on Soul Train?

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Why comers only.........I said why comers. If you ain't gonna post on the why comes don't click on this forum topic. Yeah, I said it. But mainly I really was kinda jell-us of Barefootguy's reign as the longest forum topic heading poster and figure if I keep writin', I might have a chance to come in first place plus get on everybody's nerve, are you still reading this? You crazy as me. Did I win?
Posted : 16 Oct, 2010 10:49 AM

Why come e'vrybody be callin me crazy?

Why come GL & Edw all boojee arguin bout who got the best water?

Why come ET talkin bout cats reminded me she gon scratch me up?

Why come I used to spank my cat, Sabian with a wooden spoon just like my kids?

Why come Dennis will now be out to get me?

Why come pple be sendin msges tryin to make us stop tellin yo mama jokes?

Why come nobody can't control nobody else?

Why come nobody don't message me?

Why come I would REALLY like to talk to them? Go ahead msge me, make my day.:boxing:

Why come its no disrespect to mamas but makin the funniest funny you can?

Why come Edw's mama so big she had to stop wearin a X on her back cause helicopters kept tryin to land on her?

Why come Edw's mama so big she bent down to tie her shoe and burnt her face in re-entry?

Why come Edw's mama so skinny she wears a belt with spandex?

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Why comers only.........I said why comers. If you ain't gonna post on the why comes don't click on this forum topic. Yeah, I said it. But mainly I really was kinda jell-us of Barefootguy's reign as the longest forum topic heading poster and figure if I keep writin', I might have a chance to come in first place plus get on everybody's nerve, are you still reading this? You crazy as me. Did I win?
Posted : 16 Oct, 2010 11:35 AM

Why come BG's mama so skinny she has to run around in the shower to get wet? (Oh, NM, that's me!)

Why come BG's mama so big she jumped up in the air and got stuck?

Why come her mama wore a raincoat to see Purple Rain?

Why come I gotta get off here and study some more?

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Why comers only.........I said why comers. If you ain't gonna post on the why comes don't click on this forum topic. Yeah, I said it. But mainly I really was kinda jell-us of Barefootguy's reign as the longest forum topic heading poster and figure if I keep writin', I might have a chance to come in first place plus get on everybody's nerve, are you still reading this? You crazy as me. Did I win?
Posted : 16 Oct, 2010 12:06 PM

Why come SBG needs to realize that the people who want quiet have to yell in order to be heard?

Why come SBG makes me laugh when she says oceans would be bigger with no spounges?

Why come Edw thinks half of us have never heard of crackling and hogs jow?

Why come Edw thinks it even taste good? GROSS

Why come me thinks Pixy is reading these why comes and her head off?

Why come BG doesn�t realize she could message people herself?

Why come I was wrong and was able to get on the site after all, this weekend?

Why come room temperature is always cold, even if it�s the same as outside temperature, where it�s hot?

Why come I could be going to the beach right now, soaking in the sun, but instead, I�m on the computer writing out some why comes? Don�t think my priorities are straight here.

Why come I thank ET for the code, and I will keep it to myself?

Why come GL has not done her yard work?

Why come k9 we are dying to know how you did on your presentation?

Why come I�m so stuffed after Tex Mex?

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