Oooooooooweeee! Why come I live in Canada first why come is dissin' ppl who say why come?
Why come her second why come is a why come instead of a why? Welcome to the playroom, Canada!
Why come I'm so glad to see a new why comer? [close quote]
Thanks for the welcome by the way.
I did think about just saying "why" but decided to be nice just play along. :nahnah:
As for the question regarding jello powder having a smell as a powder and not one once it's been made into the gel that would be because of the particles not being air born. The jello powder can easily become airborne so your nose can detect it. Once in the gel, it is very hard for any aromatics to escape and make their way to your nose.
Why come "The words indicated in Bold are censored from the CDFF Forum:" just cause I was dis'n Goofy?
Why come I gota rewrite my why comes because they have hash marks all in them and they are all jumbled up?
Why come folks be talking about cartoons?
Why come Cliff Huxtable was a doctor and Claire was a lawyer but they were so tight with their money Theo had to get Denise to make him a shirt and she jacked it all up?
Why come when Denise grew up she started making dirty movies instead of using her degree from Hillman?
Why come I know so much about the Cosby Show?
Why come I think Barefoot's favorite cartoon was the Flintstones? (Jes messing with you)
Why come I was just talking about Bullwinkle today?
Why come great minds do think alike?
Why come Saved3 rocks?:rocknroll:
Why come Saved3 be writing why comes instead of scrubbing her tub?
Why come softballs are hard?
Saved, why come Goofy stands e rect and talks but Pluto is on all fours if they are both dogs?
Why come Donald duck wears a towel when he comes out of the shower but he doesn't wear any pants?
Why come they call it getting your dog fixed if it don't work anymore?
Why come the #2 pencil is so popular?
Why come Scottish Terriors don't get Scotch Tape worms?
Why come I can't wait for Saved3 to get off the why comes so I can call her?
Why comes K9 talks about homework almost as much as I do?