P4T... I did read the "whole thing". Thank you... I "got it". I got the whole thing. Thank you. I mean that! Thank You!
You spoke truth in everything you wrote. See, I'm old school, I know where I been using the worlds philosophy in my past, but I know as a child of God now how things are supposed to be in God's "order" of things. BUT, everyone does not understand that today. I heard VERY clearly what you projected, and very much in agreement with you. Get that, ok?
Tonight, I went to bible study at my church, which work most of the times prevents me from attending, but our Pastor was talking to Genesis. In the 3rd chapter, when the serpent was talking to Eve, and she did her do with taking that non-forgettable "bite" of the fruit. God created man to love Him, and obey Him, and to lead. God gave the Man the power to lead and bring "order" out of chaos from the very beginning of time. But God allowed and allows us "today" to make choices, He never forces us... thus here we are now.
It still comes down to , as believers... if we don't know the precious Word of God, we are susceptable to anything, which is where we are today. Pre-conceived notions, common day philosophy which has "nothing" to do with the Word of God.
It is unfortuante that many who call themselves Christians, have there own interpretations that are not in line with scripture. Period. We are a "decieved" nation of people, an d all I can say, is that those of us strong in the Word of God, stay strong, stand, and be faithrul and diligent in our own walk with the Lord, and allow Him to do what He CAN do in other people to change their hearts, and walk.
I could go on and on more now, but I can't ... need to go to sleep for another ays work today! I just had to reply now.
I totally agree!! Sometimes I wish we could go back to the frontier days (except for the deodorant thing! Haha) Little House on the Prarie, if you will! Those were the days when men took care of the man-things and women the women-things and all was more well. I read a couple of books that really reinforced my thoughts on this matter and I'd recommend them to anyone: Wild at Heart and Captivating by John and Staci Eldredge(?). It totally makes sense and explains why we, as a society, have the problems we do today, and pianoman summed it up very well!
So, having said what I've said, I hope it sheds a little understanding on the mindset and frustration level of us women that truly want a Godly man.
Thank you for posting about this piano4te!! It should be brought up more!
I think women are to manly. I think a women should be more submissive. It seems like after a divorce, having to raise children on their own, have a job and pay the bills, it seems like they are so independent they have no room to be submissive.
I have no idea what submissive means or looks like but I went to a Mennonite church and they seemed submissive. Their divorce rate was 3% as opposed to 50% like the rest of the churches.
I was put away. Although I have no children, I was/am still forced to be self sufficient. That doesn't mean I *WANT* to be. I pray for God to let a Godly man, worthy of submission, to find me. But that doesn't mean I just get to sit at home and watch soaps. Women still have responsibilities even according to the Bible. She can take care of the house needs in her husbands absense so it seems to me to be a symbionic(sp?) relationship. But in the meantime, while we're single, what else can we do?