Author Thread: walking away...

walking away...
Posted : 6 Oct, 2008 05:07 PM

okay i've neevvverrr understood this and just ab every guy i've met is a pro at it...

is there any particular reason why a guy can be sooo persistent about wanting a relationship to work and then when the smallest obstacle arises they just completely drop the ball?? i mean its not like they just gradually stop calling or messaging...its like a cold turkey deal. dont get it. and by "obstacle" i mean like lets say...guy's going to college or his parents dont want him to make a several hour drive to keep the relationship alive... sevverrall times they just completely fall off the face of the earth. i just dont know how someone can "forget" and move on so quickly without enough of a reason. and dont get me wrong here, i'm not sayin i think the guy shoulda stuck it out and tried to make it work...its obvious when a relationship has hit a dead end but that doesnt mean you dont ever TALK to that person again lol... i mean what happened to people being friends???

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walking away...
Posted : 27 Dec, 2008 12:22 AM

i'm best friends with my ex, it sucks sometimes but i'm happy she's there. you just have to pray and make sure you do your best to not be so easily dropped =D should be easy, you're cute as a button.

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walking away...
Posted : 27 Dec, 2008 05:17 PM

Don't worry. When the right one comes along that God has created for you, he won't be able to walk away. Until then, just know the ones that do walk away weren't the ones meant for you. God's just taking care of you and weeding out the ones that will distract you from Him. Just remember, if your walking toward the same destination, you'll eventually find each other.

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walking away...
Posted : 29 Dec, 2008 04:26 AM

I agree with the above poster, he hit the nail on the head. Let them go.

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walking away...
Posted : 5 Feb, 2009 08:46 AM

walking away cold turkey is the best approach if you're trying to move on. that's why guys do it.

breaking up isn't easy for anyone. and trust me, just because he doesnt call you doesnt mean that he's not thinking about you. it hurts. but it hurts more when you bask in it.

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walking away...
Posted : 11 Feb, 2009 01:10 PM

I had to break off contact with my ex because she still has feeling for my even though she is now married. I did it for her own good.

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walking away...
Posted : 24 Feb, 2009 06:36 PM

I agree with the two posts above me.. Also,There are two theories that I know of.

#1 In phsychology a man is far less emotional then a woman. This makes sense though, because attraction wouldn't exist if men and women both had the same wants (friendship, relatonship, feelings, ETC.) The women are equipped with just the right amount of hormones to make them CARE for their significant other, I'm not saying the man can't care for a woman, however he cannot be caring the same way you do, because if you're both doing so. It won't work, it's like trying to put two positive ended magnets together. It won't work, it has two be opposite ends.

#2 The majority of men that drop women like night and day, typically have fears. Could very well be fears of pain, commitment, or a fear of slowly breaking your heart-so they do it quick like ripping a band- aid from a wound. They think it hurts less.

#3 (Bonus)

They could be bored...

However, I highly doubt that would be the case for you.

Hope this helped,


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walking away...
Posted : 5 Mar, 2009 09:17 PM

Immaturity, and fear of commitment.

A 26 yr. old male speaking. Lol! Yep!

I know one thing, my motto is Once Your friend, always Your friend, as long as You don't try to change the person from what they really are, in order to fit your needs. I was a friend to what I thought was a friend, but she constantly tried to change me to fit her needs. I've always been told "be yourself!," Thats the best advice you can give anybody. Most of the time guys will try to be someone they're not, to try to impress the girl. I know for a fact girls will like the guy for who they really are. I've also been told, "If someone has a prob. with You, its not Your prob. its theirs. Several factors come into play, there is a wild, up to no good guy, and there is a good guy. I've learned most girls would fall for the up to no good guy, before they realize the good guy, Gentlemen, if you will, would be better for them, because the up to no good guy, has more adventure then most ordinary good guys. By all means it takes two honest, committed, and serious people to have a healthy relationship. You have to have the want, and desire to be someones friend, and it all starts with a common bond, and interest. With Christ in the midst, You can't go wrong, as long as You have a clear mind. Feel free to ask me more questions I'm opened, and enjoy giving advice.



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walking away...
Posted : 11 Mar, 2009 10:39 PM

"If you truly love somebody, you will let them go. If they come back, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were."

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walking away...
Posted : 15 Mar, 2009 07:41 PM

wow these're all quite insightful : ))

and they definitely help. THANKS everyone :D

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walking away...
Posted : 29 Mar, 2009 06:59 AM

well I recently had my girlfriend walk away without a reason like a month after our pastor passed away I am still very much in love with her and feel that there is hope but she seems to be shut off from everyone in our church but I haven't given up on her but have agreed to give her the space that she needs to cope with the loss in july of last year she lost her grandpa and six months before that her mom so shes had a rough year and her son and I both are autistic so guys aren't the only one that do things like this I am committed to making things work no matter how hard things get

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