Why come Two callin me out in the middle of the night in Dr. Suess rhyme?
Why come I think I figured out why he act the way he do?
Why come old ppl sposed to go to bed early and get up early? Do I got a witness? GL? ET? GJ? Arch?:peace:
Why come Two need to go to bed at 7pm like the other ole folks so he be sweet like you sposed to be when you get ole?
Why come Two don't know that even though I'm all vibrant and in my prime, I still got to go to sleep sometime? Dude, I was why comin' wit chu til 1:30am, give a sista a break!:zzzz:
Why come if Two wasn't sheer ivory and was more tan I might be tempted to get wit him and make those zebras..oops I mean kids?
Why come if I did get wit Two he couldn't handle...I mean he ole, I don't think he ready to go meet Jes...Ummm never mind I don't want GL to get me?:rocknroll:
Why come Two callin out "she" on the why comes makin Arch wanna come over here? Ain't gon happen!
Why come you pulled Joey and K9 into your craziness? I'm so glad he did, hey girl!!! What you be singin'?
Why come whatever dude, whether he be black or white is sure to have some sleepless nights? If you know what I mean.:dancingp: See I can rhyme too.
Why come 2Sp is looking for the right "sign" in a girl? Don't you worship the one who MADE the stars, instead of looking to huge balls of gas for your guidance?
Why come 2Sp is aaallllllmmmmost ready for Why Comes, as soon as he stops writing in rhyme?
Why come this thread is for fun and the deeper stuff can be on other posts?
Why come you don't know we are all the same color in God's sight, BG? If God sends you a white, red, black, yellow, or brown man ----- praise God for him! That will be one lucky man, yup!
Why come I'm done messin' with ya'all and I have to get ready for work? :laugh: