Author Thread: Is it all about the sex?

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Is it all about the sex?
Posted : 17 May, 2017 11:20 PM

Hey guys, whats going on? I havent dated in a long long time. It seems like there's always a long list of things to get through even before I meet someone. I am a Christian woman, devoted to God and obedient to him. I have been celibate for a very long time. Im asking the guys that are really God fearing. Not the ones who just say they are. Can and will you wait for sex until marriage? It is so frustrating and it's hard enough to wait for marriage. Do you still see it as a beautiful devotion to you if you married a pure woman. I'm not saying virgin here for the ladies that are my age, just pure.

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Is it all about the sex?
Posted : 28 Jul, 2017 11:34 AM

hm... I don;t think that God messed up when He made us, but WE, the humanity, messed it all up. Now it actually does not matter who's to blame. Cz there's a fact: we have our sexual attractions and they influence us. testisterone is what on biological side makes you a male. It's not poisoning. It's a part of your body. Just like our let;s say... feminine parts are the partsof our body. You guys just might be honest and say: do you REALLy have hard times waiting? cz as far as I know you might even have your guts physically aching. And it;s no fun.

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Is it all about the sex?
Posted : 28 Jul, 2017 12:29 PM

I see I was misunderstood, probably my fault. Testosterone is not a poison per se but if it's allowed to build up it DOES act as one. Think of it as a high performance car running permanently hot, the insides deteriorate faster than they should. Sex is a natural way of flushing the system, the difference is in woman the testosterone needs to be (mostly) built up over time by good interaction with a man(not just in obvious ways).... men were blessed with testosterone factories that pump out the stuff 24/7 at high volume. This leads to what I call "testosterone poisoning". The only way of properly regulating the levels of this stuff is to find a mate to help you do it the right way because no matter what anyone says you CANNOT do it properly by yourself and that approach actually ends up becoming a large problem in the long run.

Each man reacts differently to it, some become aggressive, some force themselves to as zen a place as possible... in my case I do the second path which leads to me being a bit twitchy (visibly) at times because a certain part of your body randomly pulses you just to remind you it's there... which is probably why some men in such a situation gets easily violent. Also yes sometimes there is slight pain but mostly when it gets bad you just wonder how you havent gone bonkers yet because you certainly feel close to it and you wish the pain was worse than that vague insisting itch you cannot scratch. Of course most people don't talk about this and prefer to make jokes about it because they themselves have never had to try and enforce prolonged chastity on themselves in such a situation... of course me being me I joke AND talk about it at the same time.

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Is it all about the sex?
Posted : 29 Jul, 2017 04:26 AM

oh now I see, thx for sharing. We, normal sane girls, actually don't mean no harm to you, we often just dont know what to do with it. Cz for us it's way easier to wait. I guess. But it depends again. Does sport help to "flush the system"? If I may ask

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Is it all about the sex?
Posted : 29 Jul, 2017 04:50 AM

Regular/normal physical exertion does help but (and this might vary from individual to individual) not always completely and usually temporarily... might have to do with not everyone being willing to actually exhaust themselves doing it because of lack of interest. Personally speaking running around in circles playing with a ball bores me to tears. And something like hiking gets boring fast too unless you do it with someone for the sake of spending time with them.

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Is it all about the sex?
Posted : 15 Sep, 2017 09:51 PM

There's something I would like to point out.

When you are a virgin, the hormone response to another human being who attracts you is there, and it can be incredibly strong, but somehow, never having sex makes it easier to control.

Once you are married, sex becomes part of your normal routine. Like doing dishes... or cleaning the house.

And then, if, for some reason, you don't have it anymore, that void creates a need, a urge, a "starve" that can be overwhealming sometimes. And that is when being pure and obeying God's commandment of no sex outside marriage is really, really hard. For me, the first few months after my marriage ended were terrible ones. Nobody in my counseling gave me a hint that it might happen, and i was honestly lost as to what I should do. Exercise, reading, nothing would quench it, and I am, by no means, a sex addict. I am a normal person, for that matters. Worst of all, it were Christian man who tempted me, more than once.

I noticed that "being divorced" was a tag many of those "Christian" man read as "being available".

I had made a decision not to sin, no matter how bad the urge was... So I decided to "isolate myself" from guys and stay as far away as possible from any form courtship till I had taken control of those urges. It took me a lot of prayer and devotion to "calm my hormones down" and I praise the Lord for being able to.

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