Author Thread: Inappropriate photo

Inappropriate photo
Posted : 17 Feb, 2016 09:15 AM

What would possess a mature man, a Christian, to send a sexually explicit pic via chat to a friend? We knew each a little over a month, developing a strong friendship via facebook based on common interests, compatible intellect & wit, & of course the Lord & our mutual love of Bible Prophecy. There was a mutual instant attraction/connection, between us from the very start, the likes of which i have never before experienced with other FB friends, nor did i ever imagine was even possible.

Then the photo. It was shocking, disturbing, a violation of trust & the relationship. I cannot begin to understand or comprehend why this was even done - the motivation behind it, the need to do so. Especially from a Christian!

I would greatly appreciate insight & feedback from you guys, especially from men 50+.

And yes, i have forgiven him, and yes, i have given it over to the Lord, but i am still confused, & really would like better understanding & clarity. Thankyou so much!

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Inappropriate photo
Posted : 9 Mar, 2016 07:46 PM

be very careful, and remember a jerk WILL sooner or later reveal him/her self

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