That weman should be considered 'weaker vessels' compared to man?
This was meant like that from creation?
How then can a weaker vessel help the stronger one... If you can help me understand this friends, i'll appreciate.
Everyone willing to share their thoughts and understanding of the above questions are welcome to do likewise, even ladies this is not only meant for 'guys', I'm posting here cause i'm after 3male friends whom I don't wish to miss their input.
1John310, Apostelle and One Sojourner.
Guys i've been reading your replies on asked questions here, believe it or not you're such a blessing to me. Your depth in understanding the word of God is really amazing. Unless you have nothing to offer on this, its ok dear ones. If you do, please don't keep to yourselves
Hi is good, full of many activities.
If you haven't checked out the thread on Proverbs 31 woman, I recommend goes hand in hand with this thread.
Yes, marriage is a ministry, a calling. Women truly are miracle workers at times...when you stop to think of all the things they do, usually without thinking about it, it's amazing that they outlive most men (on average)!
Once a woman marries, her priorities often/should change. Her responsibility is no longer just to the corporate world...her job...she now has a home to tend to. Many more women are choosing to leave their professional careers to stay home with their children during the early years. They may go back to work once the children start school, but many are realizing that they can 'stay home' with the kids.
When the right man comes along, you will be surprised what you are willing/able to do. You can do it through Christ...not necessarily on your own. In fact, there will be times when it's only through Christ's strength that you'll be able to do all that is's when we try to do it through our own strength that we fail.
By God's design many of the skills and drive you'll need are instinctive.
If the right man never comes along, that's ok, too. There is nothing wrong with remaining single.
Keep studying, asking, searching...God continues to work through your questions.
"A husband is generally much bigger and stronger physically than the wife"
Fully agree hense there are types of jobs a woman cannot do due to her limits on her physical strength, this refer even in our homes. Some duties are better done by a man.
Your explanation of 1 Peter 3.... Is a true reflection of what Christ came to do. Christ was then and He still does even now, searching for the innermost beauty which is incorruptible. Just as we are told too in verse3 to strive for inner beauty which can win over to Christ a non-believing husband. Then looking at Jesus being the head and us being the body while very weak (i'm referring to both genders now, cause both have weaknesses when coming to our relationship with God. That's why the question of repentance is invitation to both genders. Hense referred to as He's 'wife' both guys and ladies) He does everything it takes Him to protect the weaker part. He doesn't use He's strength to intimate He's wife... But rather He fights for the safety of the weaker vessel which is all of us. He also gives more attention to weaker parts cause they are necessary for He's body to function right. This is confirmed in 1 Corinth 12:12 and from verse 22-23 just as you qoated. This passage gave far more clarity in understanding ladies being referred 'weaker vessels' to be treated with more honor cause the body still won't function without these least referred parts.
And again how will you guys being leaders by birth, learn to submit to onother husband when you are husbands yourselves? This would have brought confusion in the body of Christ without our existence as your learning curve to practice to Christ what we practice to you. A challenge to both parties to choose right a life time mate.
This intire passage (Corinth) complements exactly what you've share in your reply. Much appreciate once more.
"16 To the woman He said: 'I will GREATLY MULTIPLY your sorrow and your conception; In pain you shall bring forth children...."
I understand where you're coming from when saying child birth wasn't as painful before the fall like it is now.... "I will multiply.." that line tells me that: either there was no pain at all Or if there was pain, its gonna be double as much now as punishment from sin.
"Your desire shall be for your husband, And he shall RULE over you" I certainly can note the difference in pronouncing, Adam was meant to lead... Now he's referred to as a 'RULER'
The word rule I often associate it with slavery and oppression. That's when one is not given a choice but to cooperate forcefully with given instructions or there shall be a penalty. If I should deviate a little from the main qoated verses, let's look at the book of Ester when Queen Vashti was demoted from her royal position. That was only because she didn't cooperate with instructions given by her husband while drunk. I still wish we were told her reasons for not cooperating cause I personally don't think it was wise when the king allowed everyone even he's officers to drink as much as they pleased, as if that wasn't bad enough as it was, he also top up by drinking to a point of getting drunk himself. Now what kind of a leader is that? (this reminds me of a verse in the book of Proverbs where a leader is forbidden from drunkenness) Though that's another story all together.
Amazingly as soon as Ester was chosen as a new Queen in replacement of Vashti, Mordecai notices that....the king has enemies planning to kill him, among those who should be looking out for him. This is why I wished we were told why Vashti didn't cooperate. Must everyone be drunk in the palace?
Now cause the king wasn't 'leading' but ruling he's wife, he didn't even wanna hear her side of the story but got rid of her. Again the bible doesn't say if the king's enemies were there before Vashti was demoted. She could have kept sober for such reasons since she was suposse the helper not referred as a weaker vessel.
Thanks for writing back your qoated passages, was more interested in the other passage about leaders in church being good leaders even in their house hold. I haven't been able to make time and read the book of Peter5, its been very hectic here suddenly that I get home too tired to even read my bible. Though that passage makes sense in my little mind, how can God entrust you 'man' with He's church which is Christ's body, that you shall account for in the day of judgment... When failing to lead well the wife that you've personally chosen among a number of ladies and entrusted her womb with your seed, hense you have family today?
Our Lord is a God of order. He says in He's word: "Be faithful in little things (will refer to family this time) so you can be trusted with bigger things (from leading family to leading a church)"
How can a leader failing to resolve disfunctions from he's own family, be able to resolve multitude of disorders from church member who come from disfunctional families who don't know God?
Thank you so much DHTM, you often have something fruitful to offer when I need answers with matters I don't understand either with the bible or with issues of life. Will surely make time and read through the book of Peter5.