Author Thread: Is there such a thing?

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Is there such a thing?
Posted : 28 Nov, 2012 08:52 PM

Hey all!

Is there such a thing as to much honesty in a profile? (For example, feel free to take a look at mine..) I ask this because in my profile on CDFF I try to be upfront and lay everything out on the table. God kept nudging me to do so when I was holding back a fact about myself in my profile. So, I put that fact out there now and honestly it was a bit scary for me. It is a shame that people (a lot of the time..) aren't open-minded. However, I think the Lord has challenged me to put out there on my profile that I have a visual impairment. It is something that although true I don't like talking about much because it is not who I am really. Yes, tis a part of me however I (and we) are made up of so many parts. I feel like the Lord is saying, "Just wait, watch and trust me."

Has God ever challenged you in a way before that made you nervous/a bit scary?

I truthfully hate it when people say, "Hey, it's not a problem," but then I never hear from them again. However, that issue (of never hearing from others again) I'm sure is experienced by everyone at some point. What are your thoughts gentlemen and ladies?

God bless and have a great day!

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Is there such a thing?
Posted : 4 Dec, 2012 11:00 AM

Gharnava, thanks for your submission. The truth cant be hidden. It will come forth. The triumph of falsehood over the truth is always transient!

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Is there such a thing?
Posted : 30 Dec, 2012 05:04 PM

Since you asked for the ladies to respond too, I decided to reply. Honesty is always the way too go. However, if you lay out every single aspect of your life and what you expect from the person you want to date, well, your profile may be sooooo long, the reader gets bored and clicks on the next person. IE: the bit about not needing a rich guy, but wanting someone with a job is probably the case for 90%+ of women out there. I don't think anyone sets out looking for a guy without a job and don't think that this is the site to use if you want to strike it rich. Unless you are specifically having issues with guys messaging you that don't have jobs, I'd get rid of that line. I guess I'm trying to say keep it honest, but clean it up so it's easy to read and keeps their attention.

I think you do need to mention your visual imparement because you don't want to waste your time heading down a path that the other person can't handle when they actually meet you.

FYI on the replying to messages. I don't reply to a lot of messages sent to me. Not because I want to be rude or disrespectful, but simply because I am really busy and would spend half my time replying to emails on people I'm not interested in rather than spending time responding to people where there is an interest. I also almost always never respond to winks mostly for the same reason. I'm going to spend the time focusing on communicating with someone that wants to put that extra effort out to get to know me and isn't just fishing sending thousands of winks out.

Well, I wish you the best. Keep praying that God will send the right guy your way.

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Is there such a thing?
Posted : 2 Aug, 2013 06:40 PM

While I do agree that honesty is important, you have to realize that dating sites like this are like a market. And what each of us is trying to do is sell our stuff. Now, if you have been to flea markets and have seen someone selling dirty food that doesn't look good and doesn't smell good, do you think anybody would buy it? No, of course not! You have to write your profile in such way that it looks attractive. Mention only the positive things. Ok? Dating is like fishing. If a fisherman was to tie a brick on the end of the line and throw in a big bait that creates a huge splash, it would scare away all the fish nearby. But if he throws it in without creating a disturbance, fish will go there soon. In dating, "falling in love" is the equivalent of getting fish on the hook. Once someone is in love with you, your eye problem is not going to be a problem, because love overlooks every fault. Your job is to get someone as close as possible to falling in love with you before you bring up the fact that you have an eye problem. Putting it out there and "being honest" is like throwing in a block of concrete into the water along with your fishing line. It scares away all the fish. So, what I am telling you is that you are doing it wrong. You should change your tactics. You need to share as little info as possible. And you have to share information about you as SLOWLY as possible. That's the way to go.

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