I'm warning you, and Arod, and all you other young men who are speaking out with so much spiritual wisdom and knowledge. I'm warning you, just as I warned Christianguy, don't make me put you on my "Ask To Marry list"...:yay:
I am so very impressed with all your answers, they are so very martue and fill with such good reasoning sense. Not to say, that Leon and the other guys aren't, but to hear all of you younger guys speak with such confidence in matter of the heart at your ages, means a lot.
So I say, to all you young girls out there who say you're seeking real men, you better take a closer look at what these guys have to say on this board about relationships, women, and what God loves... Don't mess around and let Lydia and Rose, and Angel and me, or the other older women on this board steal them from you... :yay::glow:
Oh, I forgot, Lyida has been spoken for...:winksmile:... uh, Leeeon!.....:excited::purpleangel:
To answer your question YES:rocknroll:YES:rocknroll:YES.
Ella, I like how you called me out too so this answer will be for adults only...
Men we are turned on by what we see. With that in mind you will have different desires some guys are turned on by thin Ladies and some are turned on by plus size.
If the truth was to be told Ladies do like a man with size and or Know how. If a lady would ask other ladies does size matter you will get 80% will say YES and 20% NO.
Now are Men wrong for wanting what they want in size? NO
on the same token are ladies wrong for wanting someone with size? No.
I am sorry ladies that we could see what we truly desire before we say 'I DO" and you all if done the WORD WAY
Now to the Meat of what I want to convey.
Everyone first must be confident in who they are FIRST.
Love yourself first. If you are thin because you are not eating enough because you do not want to gain weight you are wrong. That is NO better then someone eating too much and is over weight.
Men educate yourself about how your body function because we can not stick our head in the ground because ladies want a man with size and or know how. I mean I know we have to go by the heart but lets get real and ask married and divorced people about it and you will see that is was part of their overall problems. So as a single man GO TO THE BOOK STORE AND BUY A BOOK AND READ. I Mean men if you will keep the weight off your stomach you can add inches OKAY I SAID THIS WAS FOR ADULTS ONLY.
What is my point Lets not make what we lack become a burden to other when we are not doing our part to be the best we can be. LOOK PEOPLE ONLY HAVE A PROBLEM WITH WHAT THEY DO NOT HAVE OR IS NOT DOING. Example: the only people in church that have a problem with tithing is the people who are NOT TITHING.So does their problem with tithing change the truth NO.
TO BE CONTINUED..........................................
You gusy are HOT! yes, I called you out. So that puts you on my on my To Marry short list...:hearts: you guys are winning my heart slowing...:excited:
You spoke the truth that makes so much sense as well. Many men and women will not tell the truth, knowing full well, that looks and size does matter, to the majority of men and woman.
Its great and Praise God for trying to be all holy, and spiritual, and sanctifed and accept people as they are. BUT, the truth is, as all you young guys have pointed out, and it shouldn't matter, but it does matter because of your visual and brian makeup. I think Leon pointed that out as well. However, if your size interfers with your relationships or whether or not you get invloved with an over weight man or woman, then you should be just as spiritual, holy, and sanctifed, to do something to help that person, and the person should do something about their weight for their own sakes and health purposes.
I think the key is vanity and selfishness. I also think laziness and guttonousness are invloved with all of this as well . Unless there is a health problem, no one is obligated to settling for less than what he/she preceives as beauty to them, or their hearts desires. And to tell the truth, I really don't think there is one person on this board who would even first consider marrying the 1,000lb man who got married a week ago to a beautiful young woman. Secondly, I don't think anyone on this board would even for one second look at him or a 1,000lb woman as a possible mate, whetehr you're saved sanctifed and speaking in tongues, carrying a big 20lb Bible.
C'mon... tell the truth y'all... or else your noses are going to grow so looooonnnng, and the boogie man is going to nip at your toes.:ROFL:... some men and women will not even give a person a chance who is 40 pounds over weight, not to think of marrying a 1,000lb person, just because you're so spiritual in the word and God. Some men give their wives and girlfriends the devil when they gain weight after giving birth. But women don't concern themselves that much about her husband or boyfriend if he gains weight, but some are concerned about a man's weight before she dates him, just as some men are.
Tell the truth and make the devil shame!:yay::devil: If weight doesn't matter, why do men always find a small beauty after he gets divorced or remarries? Then you have the other side here, some guys are so jealouys of his small attractive girl or wife that he will go out and find an over weight woman to make himself feel safe and secure in his own discomforts.... I'm just saying...:zzzz:
But No, we ladies love Leon, and that's his problem, he knows it.:winksmile:
Plus, for a long time Leon was by himself, and it took you guys a long time before you all came to his rescue, therefore, every so often we jump on him to keep him reminded that we're still here. But now that has his staff of male helper, we don't come after him too much...:yay:
Brother Mike! Great to see you again! I read your post and think you have some valid points. The rest we have argued before, and since we both still believe what we did then, I guess neither of us will change our minds. I do admire you standing up for what you believe. I know that you can always be counted on, to be a man. I like that in this day and age. Too many men are afraid to state their opinion.
I really care how thin a woman is, that is because I live around too many anorexics who are constantly obsessed about their weight, i cant stand it. God created a person, he did not make a mistake, it is our job to care for the body. meaning the way you look as long as you are healthy is where you are supposed to be.
You know this question is so tough. But I must say one thing the truth is God knows the desires of each and every one of our hearts, He loves us so much knitting us together in our mothers womb knowing the number of hairs on our very heads. We serve an amazing God. I think the big question is where is your heart. I mean I have to admit I am just not physically attracted to a woman if she was not in shape, but I think this is not being shallow it is just the make up of how God has designed me. I like to be active and stay in shape for me its a way of life and our body is the temple of the LORD why wouldn't you want to take care of it. No one likes being out of shape there is a sense of depression that even can exist in this state, I know I've been there. I understand certain people struggle more than others and it can even be a medical barrier. This doesn't mean every guy is that way, but I would say a majority of Guys notice a woman first by her outward appearance. You know Jesus talks about children and their requests for something and giving them something completely different then what they desire. What parent truly would do this. I think the key is living for Jesus in all you do and he will bless you. He doesn't want you to be miserable all your life in a marriage, there must be an attraction. I think thats why each one of us have different tastes. But if your desire is perfection well He's sitting at the right hand of the Father declaring our innocence. So I hope your only looking up if thats what you want. Tough Topic-Take care-God Bless everyone
Does size matter to me? Yes. Every person is allowed to have their preferences, just like they are allowed to have favorite foods and favorite books. I want a girl that is in the healthy weight range according to most doctors; this isnt because im OCD about health, but thats the kind of meat i like on a girl. I also dont mind if they have a lil extra, but too much more or too much less than the healthy range and im just not attracted to it. Besides, being highly overweight has health issues, life issues that can come with it, and i probably wouldnt be able to carry her in my arms or something if i wanted to. Yes, the heart is the most important, but beauty isnt to be despised either- God created both, and a longing for both in people's hearts (not saying beauty=skinny, so dont take it out of context).
Mike! See what you got started here? LOL. You are the new young guy's leader. Teach them, brother. Say it with some bass in your voice! LOL.
I was just kidding guys, but there is a serious side, too. God doesn't need any more wimps, He has plenty of those already. He needs men that refuse to give in to worldly pressures. No more politically correct Christian men. Just be men, as God intended. We are different from women, and should be glad that we are.