Author Thread: Why get married and have kids?

Why get married and have kids?
Posted : 25 May, 2011 02:17 PM

Flipping through profiles on here is so interesting... ! There are guys who express a deep longing to be fathers; others who have a hatred toward children. There are guys who talk about needing a woman who meets very specific physical specifications; others who mention nothing of the sort. There are guys who talk about compatibility in areas such as political beliefs, childrearing, Biblical worldview, etc.; other guys who ramble on about needing a woman who likes certain activities.

I think that all of these are very telling. They tell me:

1. What a guy values in life.

2. What a guy thinks makes a relationship/marriage work.

3. What a guy sees as a woman's worth.

4. What a guy thinks the purpose of marriage is.

When I've looked at profiles, I evaluate it on all 4 of those points (as well as some other things). I must say that 90% of the guys I come across on here don't state anything on those points that line up to what the Bible says. But maybe I'm misinterpreting or just being harsh.

So, I'll just ask point blank: Why do you think people should get married and have kids? What's the point of it all? More specifically, why do YOU want to get married and have kids? And if you don't want kids, I'd love an explanation for that, too! =) And this, too: What do you think the Biblical definition of a wife is? Is that really want you want, or are you actually looking for something else?

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Why get married and have kids?
Posted : 26 May, 2011 06:45 PM

I do believe Paul talks in the Bible about being called to be single, as in this verse: 1 Corinthians 7:32-35.

32 I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord�s affairs�how he can please the Lord. 33 But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world�how he can please his wife� 34 and his interests are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord�s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world�how she can please her husband. 35 I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord.

Some are called to be single due to choice, others due to circumstance. And there are benefits to being single, as Paul brought out, just like there are benefits to being married. Some of the benefits for a Christian marriage would be the provided opportunity to practice faithfulness, yielding to the other, giving, forgiving, loving, realizing the power of our words to its fullest extent (as you have to live with the consequences), obedience (at times lol), learning to comfort your mate, unity, praying for situations, and sharing life with someone else.

As long as you put Jesus first, whether single or married, I believe you'll be living a full life, and doing what is most important. Most of all our relationship with the Lord is most important, as when that's in place, whether single or married, the storms of life are less debilitating and more manageable.

Our relationship with the Lord, whether single or married, teaches us faith, gives us peace, hope and reassurance. So, having a relationship with the Lord, firstly, is the foundation, to creating other successful relationships.

As far as children go: Psalms 127:3 says "Children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is His reward." So Biblically, that is how the Lord views children, and we should view them the same way.

Of course, just as not everyone is called to marriage, some also may not be called to parenthood. I believe that more than anything else, children are a responsibility. Like it says in Like 14:28 "For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost?" I believe it is a biblical principle to consider the full weight of our actions before engaging in them.

I've never had children, and am in no hurry to, but I love them. They are one of the things in life that make the world beautiful. We are all perfectly imperfect, perfect messes, we're all human, but kids just have an extra touch of heaven in them.

Good thread, Pixy. I love it that you think about these things. And don't take what I said too seriously, because just as you can prove one thing with the Bible using certain verses, you may also use other verses to prove the exact opposite point. This is just my view on things, its not a systematic theology or anything. Nope. I just think its important to put the horse before the cart, and remember that an individual's relationship with the Lord is the all in all, most important.

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Why get married and have kids?
Posted : 28 May, 2011 03:27 PM

What an enlightening array of responses! Thanks for chiming in, you all!

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Why get married and have kids?
Posted : 29 May, 2011 11:50 AM

That's always such a great question. I've found myself wondering about it often lately, questioning my own motives, wants, desires, even fantasies. Inevitably I look at the married people around me friends, siblings, parents, aunts and uncles and watching what their lives are about seeing what seems to drive them in those relationships. Finally I always endup looking in the Word of God to see what reason is given there, cause in the end it's the only one that matters. I can't begin to tell how many times I've read the opening passages of Genesis dealing specifically with God's creation of man and women and how He brought them to one another. I admit more and more I get drawn to Adam and how he was shown all the creatures of the earth finding none that quite fit him, that was a suitable help meet. I find it interesting that God didn't just show up with the solution until after Adam was made very aware of the problem. It's almost like He let Adam sweat it out a bit. Let him realize this deep down need and desire. Granted yes it fits the broader need that man has a social being and therefore was meant to be in community. But individually God has placed a desire in each of us, an awareness that we need another. That there is one that compliments us helping us to be all we could be. And the two coming together become one something that is unique in all social relationships that exists only in the Trinity itself (though with greater oneness). Such oneness can only be achieved though as we focus entirely on the needs, growth, and fulfillment of another. A relationship that causes us to become completely unselfish giving and loving someone as we truly love ourselves. That is the pure ideal of why and in God's plan that makes us all the more ready to raise children something that requires unconditional love and sacrifice. Sorry if I ramble but like I said I think much and study much and unfortunately I leave it all in my head only occasionally venting it here on you poor souls.

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Why get married and have kids?
Posted : 29 May, 2011 12:01 PM

Forgot to add I believe that when we finally submit to oneness in relationships and are living in the ideal that God has established of completely focusing on another we learn what it is to truly give. Jesus himself said it's better to give than receive. That the one who gives his life away will actually find it. I think that is ultimately the purpose of marriage, children, etc. To teach us to give. To cause our lives to become all about giving. That is where the greatest joy and fulfillment come from giving. God is always giving, He literally lives to give. And He created this incredible thing called marriage and family to teach us to give and enjoy the benefits of giving.

I long for that kind of relationship with one who shares that passion. But I'm such a long way from being so true a giver.

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Why get married and have kids?
Posted : 1 Jun, 2011 08:59 AM

why wouldn't i want to get married and have kids is the real quesiton, lol. i am the youngest in my family and all my sisters and brothers are married and have kids. i am so thankful for being an uncle and love being apart of their lives. i see the joy and benefits of them being married to women or men of God and i definently want that. Proverbs 31 woman would be fantastic, but i definently will work with whatever God wants for me.

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