Why come on a 10 or 20 speed bike you can peddle backwards but you don't go anywhere?
Why come I already miss edw soooooo stinkin much? lol
Why come "Banana" is spelled with only three letters but each of the "a's" take on completely different sound?
Why come I miss my mom sooooooooooooo darn much, but praise God I will see her again someday.
Why come my pants seem to be growing and I've not purchased anything new for a while? oooooo scary
Why come them freakin CROWS seem to want to play chicken with my Truck every evening when I'm trying to go home from work?
Why come people put their freakin feet up on the seat next to me in the movie theater every time I go? EEEWWW!!!
Why come peoples little rug rats seem to always find my leg to grab onto in the grocery store? Geeeezzzzz!!!
Why come they call a doughnut a doughnut as there are no nuts in the batter to make them?
Why come they call it a Brandy Sniffer? Ya don't sniff Brandy ya drink it down... (and ya breathe (not sniff) in the bouquet like only once.)
Why do they call in a Raspberry when you stick out your tongue press your lips around it and blow... There is not one iota of a freakin resemblance of a Raspberry in that; only spit flyin around.
Why come there is a freakin green face catchin flies with its tongue on CDFF? eeeewwww!
Why come they are called the 3 Musketeers when they use swords instead of muskets?
Why come I'm looking for any distraction so I don't have to finish my research, but know that I'll feel so much better when it is finished?
Why come Babygirl told us that she was goin' to be watchin' a retro movie with her kids, when she's really out partyin' with Banjogirl while Edw's gone? Worse! Why come BG wanted to torture Banjogirl by inviting her to join all of BG's kids watchin' the movie on her bed?
Why come Babygirl is befriending Banjogirl when BG was secretly planning a honeymoon with Edw? Why come BG said that she was planning a honeymoon when she never told us there was an engagement. Where's my Bible!!!
Why come Edw's going to have a backlog of why comes to answer when he gets home?
Why come I had to pull a BG and hijack Brandy's computer while she's out watching Dale Earnheart drive round and round?
Why come most of these threads make you think but this thread makes you think "What's wrong with those people?"
Why come SR still going on about peas with pink eyes and banjo girl?
Why come SR the only one nice enough to check out my new cool picks?
Why come BG too cheap to buy her kids good movies and makes 'em watch tired old has-been movies from WM like Beetle Juice and Bronco Billy?
Why come BG won't get rid of her VW and get herself one of those fly Kia Souls like those hampsters drive? (Glad Brandy ain't here to comment on that!)
Why come Saved still be talking about riding a 10 speed backwards in Walmarts doing doughnuts around crow poop and yellow snow while chasing brandy sniffing one-legged people that are on the "crappers" while eating a drippy ice-cream cone and blowing juicy rasberries at 'em and picking boogers?
Why come GL be giving the evil eye at folks just 'cause they say skeee-weee and dis ooter girls??
Why come I gotta go because my niece wants her computer back?
Why come Babygirl's always thinkin' people are hatin' on her? Why come she complains about not bein' chosen? Did somebody whiteout all the "chosen" words in her Bible?
Why come BG thinks I need to learn her playa ways? Why come she thinks I need help attracking men? It's just that with senior moments, I can't remember just how many I have.
Why come I can't beat off the dudes without hurtin' myself worse? And, why would I want to? BG, I'm not one of "those" kind of girls and I don't attrack "those" kind of boys.
Why come Saved keeps giving Edw the somethin' somethin' to add to his sentences?
Why come Edw can come back and wipe the rest of us out with just 1 post?
Why come I want to draw nearer to God, but want to stay as far as possible from the Biblical thread?
Why come she don't know admittin' is half the battle won?
Why come she think Edw all that? You are Edw! All that and a bag of hot cheeetos! Where's my bottled water? :laugh:
Why come stayin' away from the biblical questions thread is the smartest thing you can do on this site?
Why come every once in a while when somebody say something Holy Spirit inspired, nobody listens? :dunce:
Why come the pride and the seeing whose is the biggest is so vexing?
Why come it is hard to imagine that God is pleased?
Why come I'll stop so I don't join the self-righteous pride parade? :angel: :laugh:
Why come SR don't know she need my help attracktin' men cause she and ET can't with one blue and one black shoe on?
Why come I will teach SR how to beat the men off without hurtin' herself or them (too badly)?
Why come SR won't humble herself and learn from her younger, same shoe wearing bottled water guzzlin, want a black baby to adopt but Sandra took the last one havin', want a whatever baby but Brandy won't share, sista with no computer? :ROFL:
Why come I embarrass myself? A couple of weeks ago, I offered a teenager some extra AWANA snacks after church. She said, "No thanks, I'm headed home to have some hot cheetos." I rolled my eyes at her and said, "Yeah right. Do you heat them in the microwave or oven?" Why come I spend so much time on this thread that I don't know what's going on in the real world?
Why come Spring is ok, and dodesn't know it yet?:dancingp:
Why come Spring doesn't know that BG also wears mismatched shoes, and has senior moments, but is ashamed to let us know?:excited:
Why come I'm happy to see BG back in the loop even if it is for a minute?:yay::waving:
Why come Saved is so bossy and tries to make her cows obey her truck?..where's the beef...
Wny come if medicine is the BEST medicine, people still go to the doctor instead of ?
Why come people say God has a sense of humor, yet they refuse to stand in the mirror and take a good look at themsleves, and see how funny God really is?:ROFL:
Why come we don't all get together at GL's house this summer, so that EDW can present us with his barbie show 'n tell show?
Why come today is Saturday, and my sister thought it was Monday?... duh... sssshhh, she had a senior moment.:ROFL:
Why come God is so very AWESOME and putrs up with us:applause: