Author Thread: Why come?

Why come?
Posted : 6 May, 2010 12:21 PM

I got this from another blog forum I belong to and it was hilarious! It went on for miles and miles of replies. I hope yall get it.

Just ask the rhetorical question 'Why come' to whatever you've always wondered. I'll start it off....

Why come people drive slow in the fast lane?

Why come God uses adversity to make us grow instead of good times?

Why come it's trending right now to adopt a black child? (Yeah, I said it.)

Why come when they brought the adulteress to Jesus to be stoned, they didn't bring the man?

Why come my 12 year daughter still sits on my lap and doesn't realize or care that she is heavy?

Why come guys who are interested in me, don't interest me and vice versa?

Why come I get hit on more when I go out with sweats and no makeup?

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Why come?
Posted : 8 May, 2010 10:53 AM

Hey Ed aintcha lucky I was at church..til now

Why come Ed don't know I lived in TX for 4years..the only place where when a girl turns 15 she gets knocked up to be an adult?!

Why come Ed dont realize he may not be from AR but he sure acts like it?

Why come BG dont realize being book smart and street smart dumb..well *looks at Ed* makes a post child for scammers? Hey ED that chick you like from that tiny country? She is really a dude wanting her green card!

Yo mama so skinny everytime she eats people think she's pregnant.

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Why come?
Posted : 8 May, 2010 11:12 AM

:ROFL: Yall stop!!!!!! :stop:

Save it for the yo mama thread!!! :ROFL:

I will start one soon if no one else does. I would like this one to run out of steam first. I don't want to help it go the second page quickly. It's fighting against those who like to start many threads a day.

Any ideas what section the yo mama thread should go in?

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Why come?
Posted : 8 May, 2010 11:16 AM

We need a ask people thread!

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Why come?
Posted : 8 May, 2010 12:30 PM

Why come I betcha this thread is goin to reach near or over 1200 by Sunday at this time?

Why come CDFF has an avergae of 11,369 hits per day, but already CDFF has had 9,369 hits TODAY, and the whole day isn't even over yet?...

Why come I betcha CDFF is having more hits, and its becaue of the Why Come Thread? :yay:

Why come CDFF is ranked with FIVE (5) stars among website Free Christian Dating Sites, yet the admin still hasn't thought enough of us, to bring us from the 18 century to the 21 century with a new forum board? Why come?:ROFL::excited::yay:

Why come I went to see my niece off outside for her trip back to Houston, outside with everybody, thought I was looking all cute... until she asked me if I knew I had on mixed-matched shoes...a brown one and a black one... not even the same style:zzzz::ROFL::excited::dunce::goofball:

Why come y'all, why come?

Why come I'm going to take my seat about now?:ROFL::excited::laugh::rolleyes:

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Why come?
Posted : 8 May, 2010 12:56 PM

Why come ET don't know thats it acceptable and expected that old folk should wear mismatched shoes, but oh so hilarious? :ROFL:

Why come ET knows how many hits CDFF has?

Why come I don't know where this info is?

Why come EDw hasn't answered Brandy about why his mama don't eat enough and may be pregnant at her age?

Why come since it's so hard to hold back, we incorporate yo mama jokes into this thread instead of starting a new one?

Why come because people be hatin', they gonna start threads askin' what color are your shoes to get this pushed to the second page? :ROFL:

Why come I be sayin' stuff that make people not like me like Arch?

Why come I can't help myself?

Why come I'm going to a mini-gospel concert tonight and git my praise on?

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Why come?
Posted : 8 May, 2010 01:11 PM

Why come I am jealous of BG? Thankfully my new cd came in

Why come it is bright outside but every light in my house is on? *must by stock in the electric company*

Why come I am so happy my daughter quit singing Fergie lyrics and started singing Toby Mac lyrics?

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Why come?
Posted : 8 May, 2010 01:16 PM

Why come I was more interested in watching Ice Age instead of giving Brandy ammo against me?

Why come I think I just did?

Why come that squirrel chasing acorns on Ice Age reminded me of Brandy?

Why come the 1000 times they showed that slap chopper commercial during the movie I thought about Brandy?

Why come Brandy and Godslamb know about a why come google site but won't tell me?

Why come Godslamb can google why come but can't google krump?

Why come Brandy be such a good sport?

Why come ET can't wear shoes that match and BG thinks its fly?

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Why come?
Posted : 8 May, 2010 01:31 PM

Why come Ima need Edw to check FB cause I left him a message?

Why come Edw be starting stuff with Brandy so he deserves whatever he got a-coming?

Why come Ima Godslamb to find out what krumping is then tape herself jammin' and send it to youtube?

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Why come?
Posted : 8 May, 2010 01:38 PM

Why come Ed can't stop thinking about me?

Why come I'm not surprised Ed's amusements involve cartoons?

why come Ed is afraid of ebay..oh that right cause he is afraid I sell CHILDREN aka him on ebay

Why come I enjoy reading those why comes from Ed that are stupider than an ant on crack?

Why come people sing christmas carols in the summer?

Why come icecream taste best in the winter?

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Why come?
Posted : 8 May, 2010 02:01 PM

Why come I'd pay good money to watch Godslamb ger her krump on?

Why come I'm gonna leave Brandy alone while it's still all good?

Why come I'm gonna go now and watch more cartoons?

Why come Brandy don't know I watch toons so ugly words won't burn my ears?

Why come I wonder if when mute kids say curse words do their mamas wash their hands or their mouths out with soap?

Why come I'm glad banjo girl don't read these forums?

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