Why come SOS gets down in the morning when she wakes up? Good job!
Why come Edw is implying that I don't know that muskedines are grapes; and that I don't know that he can just order black-eyed peas when he crosses the Arkansas border; and that I don't know that if I get my krump on that my physical therapist will have to kill me to put me out of my misery?
Why come Edw wants all of Brandy's Jeff Gordon cars for his Barbies, so he won't sign the pre-nup?
Why come you guys don't know that I HAVE NOT abandoooon you?:nahnah:
Why come I missed all of you?:waving:
Why come you guys don't realize that I'm a buizzzzz-nezzz woman and I have other stuff to do?:excited::ROFL:
Why come SOS doesn't realize that those posting on her thread don't know or understand spiritual things about Job or his wife or scriptures, OR Calvin's theology?:ROFL:
Why come SOS continues to try and discuss spiritual matters with carnal minded people who cannot connect the dots of spiritual matters?
Why come SOS shouldn't take things so personal, cuzz those on her thread are spiritual babies in the Word and Christ, and they can only discuss their opinion ABOUT what they THINK, and do not discuss spiritual things of God from what they KNOW as in spiritual experience, wisdom, knowledge, or understanding:zzzz:
Why come I'm happy Saved has joined us?:waving:
Why come I'm up so early on the why come thread, and didn't get to bed until aorund 3am:zzzz:
Why come a 98 yr. old woman just graduated with her Masters in history from Kansas State, and a 78 yr. old woman just march with her high school GED?:applause:
Why come there is hope for everyone over 50 who have not gotten their high school or college degree?
Why come my morning started off rough fightin with CHURCH fol, and I felt like Peter, and wanted to start cussin?:toomuch::boxing:
Why come Spring thinks she's Diana ross singing I'm Coming Out?:applause:
Why come Spring is getting so bold in her old age...oooppps i meant season age,:yay: and realizes that having fun on the why come thread hasn't changed her position from being a Christian orwho she is in Christ, or who Christ is in her?:glow:
Why come I think Brandy and EDW have an ethinag going on?
Why come Brandy is the only one who can hanlde EDW?
Why come when Edw thinks he has a guy on his side they do a disappearing act on him after onw or two posts?
Why come BG needs to keep count on they why come threads so we will know how many total views we have since it started? just for the fun of it.
Why come Edw copied his whycomes from someone else?
Why come people don't know they are NOT invincible?...
Why come the Pope just got a clue, and realized that sex scandles in the church Arise from Sin Within The Church?...heeellll-lllooo:excited:...
article@ www. christianpost.com
Why come sin in the church is due to sinful people who go to church?
Why come people think they should get paid for sleeping on the job, but they don't pay themselves for sleeping at home in their own beds?
Why come I think EDW is the Toilet Parer Bandit who robbed a convience store in Nebraska, with a knife and toilet paper wrapped around hi face?:ROFL:
Why come the toilet paper bandit dropped his medication bottle out of his pocket while putting the money in his pocket, and the police weer able to find him?:yay:
Why come the toilet paper bandit brought his meds to the robbery with him?
Why come GJ stays gone so long on the why come thread?
Why come GJ thinks we ain't using correct grammar when we say why come? (ha)
Why come GJ doesn't know why come means why come?:dancingp:
Why comeI tried to buy of Brandy's kids and one of EDW's barbies on ebay, and they were all sold out of both?:dancingp: