Hey guys, help me understand. I am extremely analytical sometimes to a fault. For those who share my shortcoming, you know that you cannot properly analyze a thing if you don't have all the variables. So, please help me understand because I acknowledge that men and women many times think and process differently.
Once I've seen someone's profile, I make judgments off my impression and use my discernment. I may visit once more if I want to see if my first impression is still intact. I literally have guys who have viewed me 7 or 8 times and never say hello. I am coming to my own conclusions, but thought I would ask and get some answers from men themselves.
Please give me some reasons why you would view women many times and not say anything.
Bonjour Mademoiselle 1Babygirl, I'll do my bestest. A lot of times I viisit a profile more than once because:
A. The picture was so pretty I had to see it again-(No, really, not meant as an insult but some guys (and girls) just like looking at profiles wishing they'd change their mail settings or seeing if they have since last visit
B. A lot of times I forget a profile I have visited, then go back to it and remember-Oh,man! I've seen her!
C. Some guys have look at a profile several times until they get the courage to actually send a message. (me included)
D. A lot of times I've looked at a profile more than once when I'm seeing who's "online now" (Which 9 times out of 10 they aren't even though their profile or the site says they are--which is another topic in itself!:goofball:
I'm sure there's a lot more reasonable explanations, but these are the ones that come to my mind
I was trying to keep an open mind, but the conclusions I was drawing were pretty negative. I, of course, thought of your letter C, having to work up the courage. But I quickly dismissed it, thinking surely people who would register on a site like this, take the time to put up profiles and have their settings on letting people see that you viewed them, could not possibly have courage issues.
I reread what I wrote in the original post and hope I don't come off like I think I'm all that or that I'm complaining about being viewed.
I emailed 3 people that were viewing me a lot just to say hello. Two didn't respond at all even though I saw they received my email and one sent the 'I don't think we're a good match' and I was like, what? You've viewed me 6 times! :laugh:
I will say many do respond and even contact me first and there are some good people here.
Thanks Edw for giving me some answers. I will take all the knowledge and info I can get on your strange species from Mars. :laugh:
I also forget who I look at sometimes.Other tmes I just want to reread the ladies profile if I am writing her.Sometimes I change pics on my profile and I want to see if the lady did too.
One more thing I may also be undecided as to writing her.
I look at some profiles quite a few times myself. Reasons I have done so include (some tie into each other):
1. I often can't remember if I've looked at a profile (for several reasons).
2. I can be very indecisive or picky. I may see some things that I really like and some things I don't like and have trouble weighing them.
3. If the profile is long, I will go back to it multiple times (because I can't remember everything in it).
4. When a girl lists certain things she is looking for and several of them don't apply to me, I may have trouble deciding whether I should send a message anyway if I'm interested. So, I keep looking at the profile and wondering if it's worth a shot.
5. If I think a girl is out of my league, I may keep looking at her profile and wondering if I would be good enough for her.
I have to say though; I would never look at a profile multiple times and then not respond to a girl or turn her down right away if she wrote to me.
Thanks so much for your input spri! You are very sweet.
When speaking of being out of someone's league, you would be surprised. Most women really want someone who will love them as Christ loved the church, provide and be the priest of their home.
The woman God has for you will think you are beautiful. :peace:
Well I am no expert on the subject but it may be that they are trying to get your attention and let you respond.That way they don't stick their foot in their mouth:)
I thought so as well, and I will say something when I'm viewed 6 or 7 times especially in a short period of time. I'm extremely outgoing and starting conversation with people in this type of venue or in person is right up my alley. I also understand the fear of rejection, so I make sure I answer any and all messages (even though I am not always afforded the same courtesy). I even email thanks for sending me winks and adding me to their favorites.
I realize many men like to be the one to strike up the connection, so I try to hold back somewhat, so I don't come off too forward. But I'm not always successful, I've got to be me! :dancingp: And I actually need a man who is comfortable with himself enough to allow me to do that.
I started the post to try to understand why after viewing me many times, when I respond they don't answer back. Even just to say hello. I'm shedding no tears, just trying to get some understanding. It doesn't happen everyday, just a few times, enough to make me wonder about the behavior.
It won't stop me though from being friendly because I've gotten to know some good people that I email and/or talk to on the phone like Edw, Riveroflife, Pluc and Wings. They are the best! Don't tell Pluc, I included him in that group. :laugh:
Yeah, I was asking myself that too; I've had guys send me winks, IMs, and msgs, but when I try to strike up a converstation, they never respond, even though I can see that they've read my message.
Somebody knows what I'm talkin' bout! I'm very visual and I see situations in pictures sometimes.
This is the picture I saw. We (us women) are on display in a glass counter like at a huge supermarket. There are so many of us in all colors, sizes and there is so much variety that they can't choose. They feel like if they pick one, they may be missing out on the next great, greener grass on the other profile woman.
Alright guys, don't get me. It's the picture in my head! :angeldevil: