Author Thread: why comes?

why comes?
Posted : 8 Jan, 2011 04:00 PM

Why come chevy asked me to restart the why comes?

Why come I hope these why comes will be fun?

Why come we should answer questions by each other?

why come most of the time we get along in the why comes?

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why comes?
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 11:34 AM

Why come we need to get more people here?

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why comes?
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 11:52 AM

Why come the little dog laughed cause your a goose?

Why come, Dennis you did it, you made us go to page 4?

Why come is Kyle Flatlander?

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why comes?
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 12:20 PM

Why come dogs laugh at gooses?

Why come all that talk about violins and fiddles got me wanting to watch Next Of Kin--- with Patrick Swayze?

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why comes?
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 01:18 PM

Why come, Cause the honk instead of chirp?

Why come I have never heard of this movie?

Why come born seems to have disappeared?

Why come I can't think of anymore why comes?

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why comes?
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 03:33 PM

Why comes I was while reading these posts?

Why comes you don't think you will make 22 pages?

Why comes Kyle is a flatlander?

Why comes a flatlander comes from the land that is flat?

Why comes my cat lays in the bathtub also?

Why comes my cat lays around my neck when I walk around the house?

Why comes my cat is named Paka?

Why comes I picked a name from another language that means cat?

Why comes I always write about the cat?

Why comes the grammar on this site is so proper, lol?

Why comes my High School AP English teacher would hate these grammars?

Why comes people can't make up their minds?

Why comes?

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why comes?
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 03:59 PM

Why come welcome home for Juliet, our new turtle!!! :yay:

Why come I have a nameless fish at home for years?

Why come I miss some of people that have left this site? Sniff =(

Why come we have 10 fingers and 10 toes?

Why come Adam was smart enough to name ALL the creatures in this earth and not any of them was named the same?

Why come no wonder Eve fell for him as Adam was a smart guy? LOL

Why come I need to go to work? ........ :toomuch:

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why comes?
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 08:50 PM

Why come I like to break major goals into smaller goals?

Why come lets go for 5 pages?

Why come, yes we got another person in here?

Why come GL has not posted in the why comes?

Why come did you have to mention grammar teachers?

Why come when are you going to name that fish?

Why come what kind of fish is it?

Why come if you need help let me know?

Why come I think if I ever get a dog I�m going to name it Paka?

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why comes?
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 11:38 PM

Why comes you might name a dog paka?:laugh:

Why comes I stay up so late?

Why comes I like ViolaCat's profile picture?

Why comes I'm helping you all reach the goal?

Why comes my English teacher was so awesome?

Why comes the fish ain't named fish?

Why comes I don'ts uses propers grammars on theses postses?

Why comes I write in the forums?

Why comes I don't sled in the snow anymore?

Why comes?

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why comes?
Posted : 14 Jan, 2011 04:37 AM

Why come Kat thought I disappeared?

Why comes Glad you're back JesusLovesYouAndMe?

Why come chevy don't give us all a car?

Why comes picturing Kyle walking through the house with Paca wrapped around his neck made me smile?

Why come Next of Kin is a 90's movie about mountain people and Pratick Swayze's wife in it plays the violin?

Why come I missed out on the why comes fun yesterday?

Why comes I can't make up my mind whether to say why come or why comes?

Why come I didn't space out my questions?

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why comes?
Posted : 14 Jan, 2011 06:22 AM

Why come men in kilts shouldn't walk on stilts?

Why come Shawn67 dont give us all a camel?

Why come Paca might like my friend's Pomeranian named Paco?

Why come the mouse didn't run up the hill with Jack and Jill instead of running up that clock?

Why come, Kat, let's race to page 6 today?

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