Author Thread: why comes?

why comes?
Posted : 8 Jan, 2011 04:00 PM

Why come chevy asked me to restart the why comes?

Why come I hope these why comes will be fun?

Why come we should answer questions by each other?

why come most of the time we get along in the why comes?

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why comes?
Posted : 12 Jan, 2011 07:38 PM

Why comes you say Why come, and I say Why comes?

Why comes I'm glad to see the term flatlander on this thread?

Why comes I don't get more work?

Why comes I like this page?

Why comes I enjoy reading everybodies comments?

Why comes my cat lay in the sink?

Why comes my cat look suprised when I sat him in sonw for the first time?

Why comes it's so cold?

Why comes we got negative windchill of about -15F?

Why comes I like the snow?

Why comes I get so cold so easy?

Why comes my cat is so cute?

Why comes I wrote so much on the why comes?

Why comes?

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why comes?
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 06:13 AM

Why come Kyle's cat don't lay in the bath tub?

Why come dogs get to BOW-BOW and cats just meoow?

Why come playing violin doesn't interest me but I LOVE hearing one played?

Why come girls like men who wear cowboy hats and own horses?

Why come twosparrows don't give us all a birdhouse?

Why come now that I know what a flatlander is, I wonder if I'm kin to any Swamplanders?

Why come is there such a thing?

Why come DG so busy?

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why comes?
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 08:08 AM

Why come if someone sat me in snow for the first time I might look surprised too?

Why come no school again today?

Why come S.C. so un-prepared for a SNOW?

Why come Swamplanders would live in Louisiana, I think?

Why come we might not make 22 pages, DG?

Why come see ya later, alligator?

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why comes?
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 08:12 AM

why come Kyle says why comes?

why come it don't matter?

why come I might start saying why comes too?

why come, guys, why comes? ?

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why comes?
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 08:53 AM

Why come we girls love cowboys, cause the hat is so cool?

Why come is it the fiddle or violin you like hearing?

Why come I wish I had seen that cat's face when you sat it out in the snow for the first time?

Why come you think swamplanders only live in LA?

Why come Dennis you can't come in hardly because of school?

Why Come?

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why comes?
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 09:13 AM

Why come we might have to give Dg an excused absence?

Why come Deb gonna say why comes cause Kyle does?

Why come I like both fiddle and violin?

Why come I can't pick which one I like best?

Why come the Hey diddle diddle cat had a fiddle instead of a violin?

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why comes?
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 09:26 AM

Why come, wait, is that why I like the fiddle, because of the riddle?

Why come, I'm on the forum when I should be finishing up this long, long, long (I'm not kidding) app?

Why come I hate apps that are longer than 10 pages?

Why come if we keep posting in the next few hours, we might make it to four pages?

Why come?

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why comes?
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 09:27 AM

why come if we advertise we will make it by faith?

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why comes?
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 09:30 AM

Why come, let's try Kat?

Why come that dish ran away with the spoon?

Why come that cow jumped over the moon?

Why come the little dog laughed?

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why comes?
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 09:33 AM

Why come Dg slipped in before I saw him?

Why come my face must have looked like Kyle's cat when I saw his post?

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