Author Thread: why comes?

why comes?
Posted : 8 Jan, 2011 04:00 PM

Why come chevy asked me to restart the why comes?

Why come I hope these why comes will be fun?

Why come we should answer questions by each other?

why come most of the time we get along in the why comes?

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why comes?
Posted : 22 Jan, 2011 09:58 AM

Why come I'll take that pickle and raise you a pickle?

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why comes?
Posted : 22 Jan, 2011 10:08 AM

Why come Kat won the pickle?

Why come I Should have posted one more why come and I could have won 2 pickles to go with the strawberries Kat's sharing with me? :excited:

Why come I'm getting dizzy trying to keep up with 2 why comes?

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why comes?
Posted : 22 Jan, 2011 11:38 AM

Why come I thank everyone for welcoming me! :waving:

Why come I get to go to my God Daughter's first birthday party today!!?

Why come I love her so much?

Why come I love her brother so much too?

Why come he's my God Son?

Why come he'll be 4 next month?

Why come I got the 1 y/o a savings bond, but I'm going to get the 4 y/o something his mom probably won't like?

Why come I like getting him toys he'll like?

Why come those are usually the toys mom's DON'T like?

Why come both of those kids are so gorgeous? hehe

Why come I think I might change my profile pic to show yall?

Why come I will take pictures at the party, so as to practice?

Why come I'm better at taking pictures of wild animals than I am kids?

Why come I think we all have cats? Or kats? ;)

Why come I have two?

Why come I can think of a bunch of why comes today?

Why come one of my cats is little and fat and without a tail?

Why come the other looks like she's camoflage?

Why come I don't know if I spelled that right?

Why come I bet I'll find out later? ;)

Why come I stayed up so late last night?

Why come I took some pics of the moon last night?

Why come I love pickles!?!? :dancingp:

Why come I love cereal?

Why come I'm glad Ole Miss is beating LSU right now? :applause:

Why come I don't care much for college b-ball?

Why come I'm more of a football kinda girl?

Why come Dallas in particular?

Why come has anyone subscribed to the Ad-free ad?

Why come I think there's a catch?

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why comes?
Posted : 22 Jan, 2011 11:45 AM

Why come things have SHO changed since I was here last!!?

Why come I'm a Conservative Christian?

Why come I'm a Conservative Republican?

Why come I'm blown away by some of the other stuff on here nowadays?

Why come I respect boundaries so much?

Why come I don't like it when boundaries are crossed?

Why come the devil tries to tell me that MY boundaries are wrong?

Why come I feel in my heart that I'm right?

Why come I'm giving it any energy at all by posting on the Why Comes about it?

Why come thanks for letting me vent?


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why comes?
Posted : 22 Jan, 2011 01:01 PM

Why come you're welcome?

Why come feel welcome to vent anytime you need too.

Why come ....

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why comes?
Posted : 22 Jan, 2011 08:05 PM

Why comes I'm working on being the lat why comer here?

Why comes we are almost at page 28 and still not bumped?

Why comes?

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why comes?
Posted : 22 Jan, 2011 08:51 PM

Why come, hmm, lets race to see if you can be the last one on before it bumps to the second page?

Why come, just bring it on?

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why comes?
Posted : 22 Jan, 2011 11:19 PM

Why come I bet Kat is the last on that page? (I forgot the number..sorry)

Why come I have some strawberry plants in large planters and they have snow on them right now?

Why come KY can't have strawberries all year long?

Why come I had a wonderful time at the birthday party?!

Why come Chevy looks a lot like a monkey?

Why come I wish I could post some of my pics on here so as to get some constructive critisizm?

Why come this thread seems to be dwindleing?

Why come I'm watching Planet Earth?

Why come I love animals so much?

Why come?


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why comes?
Posted : 23 Jan, 2011 12:05 AM

Why come Kat and Kyle are racing again?

Why come the winner gets a pickle?

Why come browneyed girl loves animals?

Why come all of us do but there are more cat owners than dog owners in why comes?

Why come well I'll be a monkey's uncle?

Why come glad yall like my new pic?

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why comes?
Posted : 23 Jan, 2011 01:58 AM

Why come he sang the solo so low?

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