Author Thread: why comes?

why comes?
Posted : 8 Jan, 2011 04:00 PM

Why come chevy asked me to restart the why comes?

Why come I hope these why comes will be fun?

Why come we should answer questions by each other?

why come most of the time we get along in the why comes?

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why comes?
Posted : 17 Jan, 2011 10:20 AM

Why come I know her personally, Kat, so I'll deliver the message?:ROFL:

Why come it's so cloudy here in S.C.?

Why come it looks like rain is on the way?

Why come I like when it rains?

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why comes?
Posted : 17 Jan, 2011 10:32 AM

Why come when I was OldLady56- Guy56 viewed me but between his 44 women who favor him and my 5 kids keeping me busy I don't think we'd make a good match? LOL

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why comes?
Posted : 17 Jan, 2011 12:06 PM

Why come phones ring but rings don't phone?

Why come if you move to N.C, Kyle, you can work with me?

Why come if he talks to all 44 women-- he should be too busy for a new friend?

Why come you seem to have a seam showing?

Why come you can lift a hood, be a hood,go to the hood, wear a hood in the hood?

Why come you can brush your hair, have a brush with the law, and give someone a brush off all at the same time?

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why comes?
Posted : 17 Jan, 2011 12:09 PM

Why come I wear glasses when I wash glasses?

Why come I'm leaving early today so you kids behave?

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why comes?
Posted : 17 Jan, 2011 12:26 PM

Why come JesusLovesYouAndMe should name that fish whycome?

Why come nazumgumza kiswahili kidogo tu in chevy's translation means new zumba gum is like kissing a wiggling kid in a tutu?

Why come if she can't wear her wig to meet the bigwig she might wig out?

Why come hillbilly doesn't marry hillbetty?

Why come you don't have to be near a rug to "cut a rug?

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why comes?
Posted : 17 Jan, 2011 12:37 PM

Why come if while holding a can you fall on your can someone not doing the can-can can help up you and your can?

Why come Niagra Falls when Tea Leaves?

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why comes?
Posted : 17 Jan, 2011 12:47 PM

Why come our backside is with us inside and outside and if we pick a side it should be the right side---- all jokes aside?

Why come a stick in the mud can't be a person but a person can be a stick in the mud?

Why come high class, low class, and middle class all learn in the same class?

Why come peach pits and arm pits don't get along?

Why come LoonyK don't give us all some cartoons?

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why comes?
Posted : 17 Jan, 2011 12:56 PM

Why come help up you and your can shoulda been help you up with your can?

Why come the peas in the garden told the squash dont tell secrets cause okra told her cornstalked?:dancingp:

Why come I gotta run but you can't say chevy didn't help today?

Why come 23 will be here before we know it?

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why comes?
Posted : 17 Jan, 2011 02:05 PM

Why come I suspect Chevy might have been a little bored today?

Why come Born again, ok, you leave earlier and will see you tomorrow?

Why come I'm thinking of many why comes today

Why come I think I'm all tapped out?

Why come, oh NOOOOOOO!!!! (In a very melodramatic voice)

Why comes why comes?

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why comes?
Posted : 17 Jan, 2011 04:14 PM

Why come I do not have the internet at home?

why come I can only visit you guys once a day?

Why come we will make many more pages than 22?

why come we will all get along here?

Why come I did not have school on Martian Luther King day?

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