Author Thread: All the mothers in the house stand up and take a bow!!!

All the mothers in the house stand up and take a bow!!!
Posted : 13 May, 2012 08:40 AM

Mother, Mom, Mama, Mommie....whatever our children call us, it's precious, isn't it.

Being a mother doesn't just mean making sure the kids are ok in know, that they are not a total mess to society. Lol. Being a mother means "up all night"..bottles, fevers, monsters under the bed...It's hugs and bandaids when they are hurt, and kisses that miraculously make it better.

A mother is soccer games, baseball games, ballet, and all that comes with it, little one drops their sippy cup in the car and you can't reach it as they scream and cry for's the typical arguments in the car that bring on the "don't make me stop this car!!" :winksmile:

It's homework..that we can't help with and send them to their dad, (LOL) It's support to the teen who suddenly becomes this kid that we just know isn't ours...I mean they had to come from Mars because they're nothing like that cute little thing we brought home from the hospital..."where's my baby? He's morphed into some kind of monster! That's not my kid! Did somebody swap kids with me when I wasn't looking???" :winksmile: Being a mom is supporting them through those changes, and building their confidence that says, yes, it's ok to be you.

Being a mom is seeing them graduate high school...and we cry. It's watching them load their stuff in the car and go off to college...and we cry. It's watching them succeed.

But being a mom isn't just "that stuff". We are a model to what our sons will look for in a wife. We are the best friend to the daughter who had her heart broken by some kid who wasn't even worth her time. We're the shopping buddy. And all the while, hope that in some form or fashion, our kids will still "know us" in public. Haha.

Being a mom is sacrifice. Letting them have the last piece of pizza when we've been so busy all day we haven't had a chance to stop and eat. It's letting them win a board game to make them happy they won.

And her children shall rise up and call her blessed. We are the Christian mom whom they see and respect. Watch ourselves moms...our kids are always watching. As a mother, love for our children is different from any other kind of love. It's different than the way we love our Lord and Saviour. (He is first and foremost in our lives.) Love for our children is different than the love we feel for our husbands. We love our husbands deeply.But a mother's love goes waaay deep. You know, in the part of our hearts where no one else can go. It's trips to the principal's office when your kids have trouble in school...(Believe me, I've done that more than once..) It's the attitude of protection that says I will stand on your desk til you get something done...and, no you didn't just say that to my kid!! I know you did not just say that to my kid. :winksmile:

Ultimately, our kids, whether boys or girls, love us dearly for the things we have done for them. But most of all, we are God's children. Ya know, God must have had a special place in his heart for mothers. We have a very important role to play in our childrens' lives. What an awesome God to give us the priviledge of being a mom! Ladies, God has to have a sense of humor....He blesses us with children and we say awww aren't they sweet! And then as they grow, just a lil humor here, God sits in Heaven thinking "I'll just give them a little challenge in their lives..".teehee.. as we say boy, you did not just raise your voice to me!! (Seriously, just a lil humor. No disrespect meant toward the Lord at all.)

So be blessed today mothers!! STAND UP AND TAKE A BOW!! CAN I GET A WOOT WOOT!! We've made it this far, and the Lord will sustain us to be a blessing to our children and let them see God in us.

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All the mothers in the house stand up and take a bow!!!
Posted : 13 May, 2012 08:50 AM

Oh, just one more small thing to add to the role of a mother's protection of our's case in point..when your son's fiance is fussing at him over something and resisting the urge to tell her "Uh, that's my son you're talking to...Giiirrl, you did NOT just say that to my son! Girrl you betta go on somewhere." LOL!!!:ROFL:

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All the mothers in the house stand up and take a bow!!!
Posted : 13 May, 2012 09:21 AM


God has GREATLY gifted you to be able to encourage and brighten people's lives through your writing ;)

Thank you!

And now, I have got to claim much of what you've said for myself, as I am very much a Momma-Dad.

Oh yes,

To see me flying through the house, raising my voice in a manly manner (when needed) while cooking dinner in my colorful Martha Stewart apron is truly a sight to behold! LOL And yes, Martha as dronish as she is, she's totally one of my heroes! :) So anywhoo, I will indeed bestow upon myself this day a bow for the motherly side of myself...

Now for my mothering tip for the day,

Being a Mother-Dad has everything to do with taking your cross up daily and laying your life down so that the Lord is able to love, guide and direct your children through you without you interfering...

God bless :winksmile:

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All the mothers in the house stand up and take a bow!!!
Posted : 13 May, 2012 09:28 AM

Thanks for a great post JC! Happy, happy Mother's Day to you dear!

WOOT!!!! WOOT!!!!

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All the mothers in the house stand up and take a bow!!!
Posted : 13 May, 2012 09:30 AM

Mydreamtime, having been a Mother and Father also, may I just say: Happy Mother's Day to you dear man!

WOOT!!!! WOOT!!!!

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All the mothers in the house stand up and take a bow!!!
Posted : 13 May, 2012 10:02 AM

AWESOME POSTS GUYS AND GALS!! Max, and those parents who have to be mother and father, KUDOS to you all!!! That's exactly right!!! I'm sure it's even harder to be both! God bless you all!!

Well said guys! I would never leave any of you out. You all are awesome and greatly respected!! You all aget a WOOT WOOT also!!!

Love you all in the Lord, and the Woot Woot that was posted was awesome!! :yay:

Carry on ladies and gentlemen!!

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All the mothers in the house stand up and take a bow!!!
Posted : 13 May, 2012 10:35 AM

JC, NRSV1953,

It is my pleasure to be able to wish you both a fabulous Mothers Day as well!

You've both made me smile this morning even though we're miles cool is that?

Do mother's realize though it is God the Father who initiates all things by His Will, that He brings His Will into being through Jesus? The EXACT same way that a husband brings children forth through his wife...

It is the husband's will, but it is the wife's body and soul that brings mankind into existence!

Christ Himself submitted to the Father the same way that wives are asked to submit to their husbands...

What an honored role mothers have been given and intrusted with - a role which according to scripture has no biological boundaries :)

May you both be blessed as God uses you to bless others

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All the mothers in the house stand up and take a bow!!!
Posted : 13 May, 2012 08:27 PM

Thanks Max. And fathers are so much a blessing to their children also. Especially all the "Mommy-Daddys" and "Daddy Mommies". God bless you all ladies and gents!!

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All the mothers in the house stand up and take a bow!!!
Posted : 13 May, 2012 09:28 PM

And it IS awesome to be able to talk to others from all over the world, and share our stories with each other. Make each other laugh. Wonderful friends..without even laying eyes on them!! Glad to have you all as friends!! :)

Max, the apron and Martha Stewart...H I L L A R I O U S!!!

Now that would be a great profile pic to post!!! Come on now buddy.....bring it!! Lol.

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All the mothers in the house stand up and take a bow!!!
Posted : 15 May, 2012 02:01 PM

In my Martha Stewart apron??? With a spatula in one hand and a giant Dewalt power drill in the other to add balance to my ambiance LOL :o

I may be able to manage such a picture.

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All the mothers in the house stand up and take a bow!!!
Posted : 16 May, 2012 04:52 AM

Dreamtime, LOL...I must make a second request for that picture!! Toooo funny!!! I would definitely love to see that one!

How are you? Things ok with you and your kids? Prayed for ya.


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