Author Thread: Why can't the young and the old find the right person

Why can't the young and the old find the right person
Posted : 11 Mar, 2011 12:07 PM

Why can't the young and the old find the right person for Marriage?

I am posting this in each section, because of the importance in getting responses.

I look back when I met my ex-wife 35 years ago. We bumped into each other in a parking lot. We smiled at each other, and then we talked to each other. Then I called her for a date and we both knew soon after, we were in love. We were not equally yoked, but the pastor from my church didn't put emphasis on the matter, after 27 years of marriage, then came our divorce. Can we really find Love on the Internet? Many say they can.

I have a son 30 and a daughter 24 and neither are in a relationship. I see more young people on here than the older ones. I believe people are not the same as they were 40 years ago. People today would rather surf the web for a date than look for a date. People in general don�t smile to strangers, let alone speak to strangers. If they do, they would rather text on the phone or email than call them again.

The core to the problem, people are interested in their gadgets and their busy lives more than the fellowship in talking with them in person. We need to get back to the Golden Rule that we have lost over the years. We should be kind and love everyone, that is what the Bible tells us to do!

Is it because we are living in the last days?

Would love to hear what others think about this issue.


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Why can't the young and the old find the right person
Posted : 11 Mar, 2011 06:34 PM

I do agree people are different today than they used to be, and that many are dependent on technology instead of talking face to face. As a woman, it also seems to me men are not as interested in anyone over the age of 35. As a society, we place so much emphasis on physical beauty,youth, and doing what feels good right now that character and commitment are often overlooked.

It seems more difficult to find someone of quality no matter what your age. I am looking online because I haven't yet met anyone doing the activities I do in my local community. Most men in my age range are already married. Just my $0.02.

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Why can't the young and the old find the right person
Posted : 22 May, 2011 07:55 PM

Technology changes a lot of things in our lives. I am not a very techie person but because of the convenience technology offers, I too am tempted to do almost everything in the most convenient ways other find so enjoyable and beneficial. Nothing to do with 'our living in the last days'. And I have to admit though that I don't find enjoying the benefit of technology in dealing with people as honest as I find it in dealing with people in real world - face to face.

I have come to this conclusion after trying to keep in touch with people in another dating site. Never have I expected very good friendships would come out for me from that site but I was lucky enough to meet some good people out there. However, meeting people online is far from meeting people real life where you get to talk and see them personally, having the benefit of observing every little detail of their body movements, facial expressions and genuine touches they extend to your hearts. If one is not so very keen to details, one may have big chances of meeting fake people who are very good in saying things they don't really mean, worst case, things which are not even close to being true.

Though what I mentioned is not always the case, it is inevitable to happen online. I must say too, that meeting very good online friends is not far fetched. That I believe, thus, me here on this site right now. On another note, age for me has nothing to do with the opportunities that come our way. For me, it's how we take chances that gives us those great opportunities.

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Why can't the young and the old find the right person
Posted : 24 May, 2011 12:00 PM

I believe meeting face to face is a lot more difficult these days for many we get older there are less people around us that are single. I have looked for ways to meet local Christian singles in person and there are no options available. There are very few single men at my church and the ones that are there, I am not compatible with. I am quite shy when it comes to striking up a random conversation with people and feel like I will make a complete fool of myself. Because of that, I find it much easier to get to know people online. I hate to say it, but it's almost like going to a have a menu in front of you and you choose those that seem the most appealing. After that it becomes an interview process where you can very quickly analyze whether or not you have things in common with the person you are communicating with. I have met many people on the internet and have created wonderful friendships (both men and women) all over North America, but I do not keep my friendships online...if we are friends, we will meet in person at some point as I feel it's necessary. I don't know if it's possible to meet the person I'm meant to end up with because if I knew that, I wouldn't be on here right now, but I don't know that I have any other options.

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Why can't the young and the old find the right person
Posted : 29 May, 2011 02:30 PM

the world has changed around us and sometimes it seems so fast.

I myself am guilty of texting and IMing, but it is a way to keep up with friends. I even had to get a facebook page to stay in touch with my daughter (34) and my grandkids who live in NM and that is how I found out my son (30) who is in Army in Asia was married.

I have found that sometimes we have to change with the world to keep up so as not to be left behind. I am the webmaster of my church and I have learned that more and more people are using the computer for listening to our sermons and finding out about our events in the community. People from around the world can go to our site and listen to our sermons and I think that is wonderful.

With that in mind, I decided to join this site. I have found that there are good and bad on here. It is upsetting that there are those that are married and on this site "looking for love"....but that is another pet peeve.

May I suggest to get a webcam. I have found that having a webcam and having a conversation that way, anytime of day or night (depending on your schedule) and can get similar results as meeting in person. I have found this to be beneficial when distance is an issue and you wonder if the drive would be worth the trip or you want to know if the person is really who they say. I enjoy looking into someone's eyes to see if the words they speak are the same as what comes from their soul. (Eyes are the window into our souls).

I believe that the right person is out there for all of us as God does not want us to be alone. I believe that with faith He will guide the right one to us. My husband died in 2006 and its only been the last year that I have started looking. I havent found anyone yet, but my faith is keep the faith.

That is another opinion for you to ponder.

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Why can't the young and the old find the right person
Posted : 17 Jun, 2011 10:54 AM

I think finding a Godly person in this day and age is difficult, and than there is our own flesh to contend with. How can we be wise enoough to choose a Godly mate, we mess up so much in ourlives can we really trust ourselves, but my hope is not in my abilities, but in my God who loves me.

I do agree technology as further isolated us. Proximity is the key to finding anyone.

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