Author Thread: Single parent? Widowed parent? Or divorced parent?

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Single parent? Widowed parent? Or divorced parent?
Posted : 13 May, 2016 09:51 AM

There is a great deal of mislabeling in our culture, and I see so many misidentified as to their status.

God says be in the world, not of the world; a citizen of heaven. He expects us to call things by the titles he gives them.

Satan wants the lines blurred, and the distinctions God has ordered set aside, so it is easier to get people to sin. He entices people who are divorced to self describe as single. That is one of his lies to the divorced. He does this to entice the divorced to ruin all possibility of reconciliation; when healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation is God's will for our lives.

I saw someone I had not seen in over a year a couple of weeks ago, and said hi, and asked her how her husband was. She barked back at me, "EX-husband!" I was completely surprised and shocked at the tone of her reaction. She had divorced her husband, and God describes the situation in this way: "Now to the married I command, yet not I but the Lord: A wife is not to depart from her husband. But even if she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to HER HUSBAND. And a husband is not to divorce his wife."

God gets to choose how to describe the husband she put away, and God decided to still identify the man as "her husband". I'm in no position to question Almighty God about how He chooses to label the husband who is put away by his wife. Her issue is with God, not me. She, by her tone is indicating that either 1) she is unaware of God's position on this matter, or 2) she is deliberately defying God's call on the matter.

So can we dispense with the attitude towards those who speak the truth, and call things by the same terms that God uses to describe them?

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Single parent? Widowed parent? Or divorced parent?
Posted : 24 Nov, 2016 08:43 PM

Over 6 months, and not one "Yes", not one "Amen"?

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Single parent? Widowed parent? Or divorced parent?
Posted : 8 Apr, 2017 11:30 AM

I just saw this today... the one thing you are forgetting is God also said let no man take apart what I have put together however, sometimes God doesn't put the people together sad but it is true... another thing is God does allow for a divorce IF there was adultery within the relationship. just an added thought for ya.

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Single parent? Widowed parent? Or divorced parent?
Posted : 14 Apr, 2017 12:52 AM

You know @ Sister, I totally agree with what you wrote about divorce. But I'm not a single parent, never been married too. The main post, I didn't get to read and I don't know what other people in here are fearful about because they have no photo or using photos of just anything.

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Single parent? Widowed parent? Or divorced parent?
Posted : 22 Sep, 2017 04:35 AM

@ Sister I dont agree with you on the second part of yours. Why do you say some people are not put together by God? Is it written somewhere in the bible? Every marriage have God's blessing. They go wrong because the couples choose wrong options. Marriages are fought by powerful evil spirits. Couples need to be committed christians to fight those spirits. This lakes in most marriages leading to a lot of misunderstandings thereby giving the devil a drive and eventually divorces. Otherwise the other two points are very correct.

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Single parent? Widowed parent? Or divorced parent?
Posted : 7 Nov, 2017 09:58 AM

I agree with what God says in the bible.. But i cant judge that woman.. Its so hard to do the right thing when u r still hurting.. Also i have no idea what she went through.. I still do hope Jesus restores her marriage..

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Single parent? Widowed parent? Or divorced parent?
Posted : 16 Mar, 2018 03:15 PM

I am divorced, but prefer to be called single. After reading this post all I can say is another, "wow"! When I read the Bible more it's very clear to me many churches make the rules from a Human standpoint, not What Jesus Would Do. From my experience, many men don't want the lady to be in charge. When you're a mom, simply their needs to be good decent order in the home. Any youngster is smart enough to know who the parent is and they'll be tested. My testing also was from many many sides just because the seriously thought they "had the right to". Maybe they wanted to be in charge. That is not the point. When many people have chances and they simply don't want to try to get along and make it hard for the individual every chance they get, human nature is to get bitter because simply don't deserve it, don't need it and definitely don't want it. The mom's I knew literally picked up all the pieces from little to big because the other individual didn't want to deal with it. I am definitely a strong single parent even though my "youth" is not grown and out of the home. I've even been told "move on". You simple can't because I believe God has us learn from those events and every single circumstance has molded me into the individual I am today. Sadly, most people are unable to relate what it is like to handle info. on sports outings, housework, school work for your child and on and on. Compassion, common sense, mixed with Christ is what I am hoping more people find soon.

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