Author Thread: mixed signals

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mixed signals
Posted : 5 Mar, 2010 09:31 PM

im a guy who trys to stand out a little get away from the crowd, at times. i really want to meet my future wife and i dont want her to be someone that wont challenge me, spiritually that is.

God has people meet at different points in their lives. but here is my question, i always try to be the real me, so when im talkin to a girl and she gives off signs that she might be interested, how do i know she's just flirting or being nice? i used, the key word used, to be a ladies man! but its been a while since i've dated some one and now i dont know how to read them. is it just me or what?

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mixed signals
Posted : 5 Mar, 2010 10:36 PM

I listen to and trust my gut as far as that goes. There's always those little tips and tricks people like to be aware of, but they're no more or less acurate or substantial than your gut.

For what it's worth though, the 'help me eyes' are pretty acurate, but if your preoccupied with looking for that you'll usually find it. Like a self fulfilling prophesy.

If you're getting mixed signals, she's most likely not that bright or mature and bad at communicating. Online though, there's also the added possibility that you're just not right for each other schedule-wise, or geography-wise. No matter what though it comes down to the same thing: She's not the one you want and or need.

For me it's not so much wondering if they want me, but wondering if I want them.

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mixed signals
Posted : 6 Mar, 2010 06:36 AM

OK, from a girl's perspective...

I know I probably send mixed signals all the time. I can't flirt. At all. I think the flirt gene skipped me somehow. It's not that I'm not feminine, because I am. I can be quite friendly, but I just can't seem to giggle, bat my eyes, lightly touch his arm, lean in to him, get the idea. I can't flirt in the traditional sense.

So, I tend to rely on my brains instead. I try to have a stimulating conversation with him. I ask him questions about his job, family, pets, life, anything! I volunteer information about myself when appropriate, but I don't go overboard with it. And through conversation, I try to show my interest. Most guys totally miss that I'm interested. It really stinks.

I've found online dating to be a way to overcome that, because ALL of the initial communication is conversation based. By the time we meet, the guy should already know that I'm interested, just as I know that he's interested.

Make sense?

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mixed signals
Posted : 6 Mar, 2010 06:59 PM

jake, i think this is one time you have to make an assumption and follow through. signals are real, but MOST of the time they are misinterpreted. you should really reconsider trying to 'feel' her out and make a decision whether you will try or not. if you are wrong about her feelings towards you then your confidence should keep you afloat and even if she is not mature enough to relate to your advances, whatever they may be, then she would (should) not feel threatened or feel the need to recoil and call you a creep. my advice? be confident, after you have decided to step up then please come correct, please. and you may just get the bonus of her stepping up too and being the one to "challenge you spiritually"


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mixed signals
Posted : 8 Mar, 2010 07:05 AM

to add to what nyanda said, when it comes to confidence you don't have to be a know it all or certain or act like you're certain of everything. what i recently realized is that confidence is having direction and purpose in your endeavors and meaning to your life, what you do, and how you conduct yourself. if you already knew that, cool. i didn't though and maybe there are others that didn't either.

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mixed signals
Posted : 8 Mar, 2010 07:06 AM

her point being confidence is key though is what i was trying to elaborate on. just so there's no mixed signals there :goofball:

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mixed signals
Posted : 11 Mar, 2010 06:29 PM

BC! You and I are two peas in a pod! I have the same problem. I've always been great at making new friends because I can easily strike up a conversation, so that's what I fall back on when I'm interested in a guy, but as for traditional flirting - well, I wouldn't even try it unless I thought the guy was interested in me! And even then, I'd probably fail miserably. So, my advice to the guys is - if you like a girl, ask her out. If you don't like her, don't ask her out. End of story.

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mixed signals
Posted : 11 Mar, 2010 09:08 PM

Prov31...Yay! Someone who understands me! :applause: :yay:

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mixed signals
Posted : 17 Mar, 2010 07:51 AM

thank you guys and gals who answered, i kinda do have a selfconfidence problem in a sence and also know who i am as well. so im confident in that i guess im not very confident in my looks and thats it. but is it possible for God to lead you to someone who you think is too pretty for you?

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mixed signals
Posted : 5 May, 2010 10:42 AM

Oh, it's definitely possible. Just remember, if you think she's too pretty for you but God has sent her to you anyway . . . He sure knows how to bless His children, now doesn't He? Just keep studying God's Word and letting Him mold you into the man He needs you to be. Your confidence will get a great boost as you learn from God who He has created you to be. You never know, you may be going through self-confidence battles in order to have the skills to help someone else down the road who is struggling similarly. God always has a plan for everything He allows us to go through. If He brings you to it, He will help you through it!


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mixed signals
Posted : 9 Jul, 2011 10:10 PM

ha I have the EXACT same issue!!

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