i have seen a lot of the world through listening, observing and learning from other peoples' experiences. not to mention having God as my father and literal best. and as far as relationships are concerned i have come to this conclusion i like to think of as the four legged table. it is some what idealistic. if a person takes the time to seek first the kingdom of God then they would be able to stand on their two feet. as the good book says i taught ephraim to in and they knew not that i healed them. i believe that when we obey this principle God takes us by the arms and teaches us to walk like we teach babies. and when you somewhere along that journey he will bless you with a mate who is suitable... he has taught you how to go so you know what to avoid and your seasoned in patience so even if you do get bored you do not get into too much trouble. your emotionally balanced and aware so life becomes entertainment in itself! and viola! before you know it you have everything you ever wanted and tons more. because along the way the LIVING GOD is right in front your eyes and ... you have met in the garden in the cool of the day. hehe i strayed a bit but back to the four legged table. you other half is suppose to be the other two legs. while God is not only the thing that joins you but the covering of your union.
i was prompted to write something from reading the heartbeat forums, when our heart breaks so does God's. he has such plans for us but yet we walk about like the poor and fatherless, there are imaginable riches to be got! take them! they are yours if you don't want them i will gladly have yours also. if you keep facing the same challenge over and over then you have not learned what you were suppose to from it! stand and be counted! ... silver and gold have i not but such as i have give i thee in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk!
ps i am on my phone these days so i can't really say all i want to. be blessed