Author Thread: It isn't an issue of's simply my beliefs!

It isn't an issue of's simply my beliefs!
Posted : 6 Sep, 2012 10:11 PM

I've already mentioned in previous posts that I prayed and believed God for a miracle...which happens to be a "virgin wife". I have confirmation that I believed I would receive this I'm not finding any legitimate basis for other folks trying to discredit what has clearly been proven through evidence that I've willingly made known.

Anyhow, back to the main point...Why are my beliefs being deemed as pride when it comes to me not being willing to accept any young lady as a wife unless she is a "virgin"???...After all, that's the miracle which I believed I would receive. It isn't about's about my personal beliefs. I believe it would be a willful sin in God's sight for me to marry a woman who isn't a "virgin". I cannot partake of, by faith, that which I honestly feel belongs to someone else. Also, for those of you who oppose me on this, let me remind you of something:

Don't destroy a brother (me) because you believe differently. God has promised me a "virgin wife" through that's what He is required to supply. It's a personal matter between God and I. I'm still a virgin stop trying to make me feel guilty for asking God for a "virgin wife". If God didn't want me to be married to a "virgin woman", He wouldn't have allowed me to believe I'd receive such.

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It isn't an issue of's simply my beliefs!
Posted : 6 Sep, 2012 11:01 PM

Your pride comes across when you say things like " I will only accept the top of the line" It's not your desire to marry a virgin that's the problem. It's your attitude towards God and others.

There are women who are no longer virgins because they have sinned in their past. That does not automatically make them "second class citizens" or not "marriage material". I hope you take that to heart.

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It isn't an issue of's simply my beliefs!
Posted : 7 Sep, 2012 12:14 AM


Where did you quote the following statement from???

" I will only accept the top of the line"

Ummm...I don't recall saying you must've twisted something I said to mean something else. I remember saying something about my standards (values) being top of the line...but I guess you misinterpreted what I meant. Seems that's the problem that I keep noticing about this online dating...and I'm steadily losing my desire to continue trying to communicate through text style communications with anyone.

By the way, my attitude was never like that until after I felt betrayed by God...and I don't have half the night to explain every fine little detail.

Honestly, the final statement that I made in the original post should've summed up things for everyone.

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It isn't an issue of's simply my beliefs!
Posted : 7 Sep, 2012 02:48 AM

Personally, your thought-need is right. because you have spoken with God, in your heart.

In any case, in absolute, the most important thing is: if God "gives" you a virgin wife you will be happy. but also if God doesn't "give" you a virgin wife you should be happy. Because God's will isn't sometime our will. and probably, is this what made us a little pride.


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It isn't an issue of's simply my beliefs!
Posted : 7 Sep, 2012 05:24 AM

Truth didn't give the exact quote, but I don't think it was his intention to do so. The spirit of it is still accurately represented. You posted that your standards were top of the line, but you posted it in the context of this quote, "I will only accept a "virgin" woman to be my wife". So in reality, he was not mistaken when he quoted you as saying you will only accept top of the line. He just worded it differently than you did.

"I've already mentioned in previous posts that I prayed and believed God for a miracle...which happens to be a "virgin wife"."

But God said pray in this way...Matthew 6:9-13...The implication being God's will being done. You make the mistake of thinking prayer is about your will(a virgin wife). It's NOT.

You have confirmation that you believed? That's great but really is irrelevant. God isn't santa. I have no doubts that you believed. However it doesn't matter because what you believed in isn't a biblical principle.

"Anyhow, back to the main point...Why are my beliefs being deemed as pride when it comes to me not being willing to accept any young lady as a wife unless she is a "virgin"???"

Because it seeks to lessen your own sins in light of a female who has lost her virginity in the past and spits in the face of God's grace.

" God has promised me a "virgin wife" through that's what He is required to supply."

No...No He hasn't. You just want it bad enough that you believe it to be so. If one thinks God made a promise and then God didn't follow through with that promise....The person can be sure of one thing....God never did make that promise. God does everything for His glory and according to His will. He is required to do nothing for you and you should repent from saying that you require anything from God.

" If God didn't want me to be married to a "virgin woman", He wouldn't have allowed me to believe I'd receive such."

That's faulty reasoning. God allows people to be deceived all the time. Here is just one example of many....just so you can't say I'm making this up.

28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. Romans 1:28

You really need to search the scriptures and spend more time in prayer. Christianity is not about us and what we can get out of God. It's all about Him and His glory. I don't think I'd be too far off base if I said you likely watch TBN. Please correct me if I'm wrong. You seem to be of the same mind as the prosperity gospel preachers who do not teach the true gospel. I'd turn the tv off and get in the word. I pray this post will shed some light on your errors and that God will open your eyes and heart.

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It isn't an issue of's simply my beliefs!
Posted : 7 Sep, 2012 09:25 AM

"It isn't about's about my personal beliefs. I believe it would be a willful sin in God's sight for me to marry a woman who isn't a "virgin"."

like you said, that's your personal belief. I can personally believe that murdering is right. just saying..

"If God didn't want me to be married to a "virgin woman", He wouldn't have allowed me to believe I'd receive such."

hmm isn't that statement kinda like saying "If God didn't want me to kill people, he wouldn't have allowed me to believe that i need to be a murderer" You have a free will to believe what you want. God doesn't force you.

"God has promised me a "virgin wife" through faith"

great! now this confirms it. If you're 100% sure of this why are you still complaining about what others have to say?

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It isn't an issue of's simply my beliefs!
Posted : 20 Sep, 2012 03:19 PM

One day, perhaps tomorrow, perhaps ten years from now, when you stand in front of God, your pride will be broken down and destroyed. He will ask you why you spat at His power to provide grace for any and all sins, and why you chose to think you didn't need it. He will ask you why you thought your sins were somehow less deathly to your soul than another's. He will ask you why you categorized sins into "better" or "worse" and passed judgements on His children. I hope someone's words break through. If they don't through this forum, I hope life will provide some sort of awakening for you. Blessings.

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It isn't an issue of's simply my beliefs!
Posted : 20 Sep, 2012 04:38 PM

" I believe it would be a willful sin in God's sight for me to marry a woman who isn't a "virgin"."

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.(1cor 5:17).

Any one who have accepted the Lordship of Jesus Christ is reconciled to God. There is no discrimination in God.

Do you claim to be holier than God as to reject who He have accepted?

God bless.

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