Author Thread: Patience & Handling the pressure

Patience & Handling the pressure
Posted : 17 Aug, 2012 02:55 PM

I never thought I'd write on one of this forum things because like any other website with forums it's rare you'l get a reply.

I just wanted some personal views on what (if anything) is disheartening you about findin your christian partner.

As we're all aware it would be much easier to find someone tb be in a relationship with who isn't a God fearing person and therfore by doing so you're not only disappointing the Lord as he judges your actions but your disappointing yourself by doing that and because we want to do everything to please the Lord and serve him as he pleases we resulted in joining a christian dating website.

Some of you may find when you read the tesimonials before or after your signed in and think "I want to write myself a testimony like this as soon as possible", or maybe it's the fact you're seeing all the couples surrounding you Christian and non-Christian and it's bringing you down.

I can just advise you to have faith because even myelf, I forget that if he's worth waiting for, he's worth waiting for and if he is meant to be my husband he will not just arrive on my front door lik a pint of fresh milk, it may be disheartening when people view your profile and don't say anything to you (apart from the obvious and they're outside of your desired agae range) but otherwie you may think, is it how I look (because disgustingy some 'christians' on these websites can still be unattractively shallow) or you may think it was something that you wrote on your profile or that you're just not compatible.

Anyway, the point of this long post is saying don't give up, God wouldn't want you to, I'll pray for you all to find your christian match.

God Bless You All!

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Patience & Handling the pressure
Posted : 18 Aug, 2012 02:35 PM

Amen, thanks for the post Bubblier.

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Patience & Handling the pressure
Posted : 8 Oct, 2012 03:33 PM

Amen. thanks girl:glow:

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