Author Thread: Love, youth, and change

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Love, youth, and change
Posted : 17 Jul, 2011 11:59 PM

Update!!!! I am no longer in that relationship no more that was hurting me. I had prayed to god about it and i got my answer and solution real quick but im thankful for that. Jesus was and has been working on my heart for a long time and the more i realise how much he been there the more i love him.

Now Im not going to lie and sit here and say im the perfect Christian and that i don't do this and that wrong. but i can say that god is changing me and making me the person that i need to be instead of what the world wants me to be. This world can be major pressure and thats what i feel whats going on with alot of us. Its so easy to point the finger and say "oh gawd, he needs Jesus" but its seems like its harder for ones to help you, guide you, inspire you like people who care would.

I even see it in our youth. so many of our young men and women are being misguided and misdirected. People trying to imitate the artist on tv, or what the world feels like life should be in the media, or who or what kinda man or women people should date. Its becoming crazy. We are living in a time to where being a "nice guy" seems to be bad and being a "bad boy" seems to be what they say people should want do you see the trouble with that?

And when a person is trying to change, don't stomp them out if they make mistakes. if u recall Jesus disciples weren't perfect men but they had the desire and determination to stay and follow Christ. god can read a mans heart so he knows who is trying to find him and who is trying to deceive. so "bad guys" dont get away like people think

I am not ghetto, im not hood, im not what the world wants me to be and that's cool. Im just a tattoo wearing, tough guy who loves Jesus. And hope to make friends or more in Christ that can help guide me in the right way. Unity is what we need instead of being judges. Love is a house that can never be broken or fall for ugliness causes the destruction of everything, something to remember .

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Love, youth, and change
Posted : 20 Jul, 2011 10:14 PM

Hey you! Its been a long time! I'm so proud of you and hope you are at peace with everything. Always remember there are people out there that care about you and would never every want to see you in such a destructive relationship again!!! Hope you are enjoying life more now and are happy!

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