Author Thread: North County

North County
Posted : 9 Jul, 2009 07:41 PM

I'm just sending a shout out to see who here is up here in North County. So post up in here, and we all can get to know each other. Maybe if we could get enough people from this are chatting on here, we might set up some type of BBQ or something like that so we all could meet. I mean it'd also be a great way for people to be with other that share the same love for Christ as you do. Also it'd be a great way for people to meet and learn about each other because profiles only can say so much, then again there are some profiles that don't say enough because there is more to them then just the words they can put down.

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North County
Posted : 9 Jul, 2009 07:42 PM

I just remembered.. that I don't know if there is other states that have an area called North County, so just to make sure y'all know, I am referring to Califoria

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