Author Thread: Please pray for me as I try to lose weight

Please pray for me as I try to lose weight
Posted : 17 Oct, 2020 06:13 PM

I've decided to count my calories and not eat so much of what I have been eating. I don't really have any specific goal in mind, I just want to lose weight until I can't anymore. And please don't say something like "You lose all that weight and you'll be having to fight those ladies off with a stick." . Just because I lose weight doesn't mean I'm not going to be ugly. I've accepted that I'm ugly and I'm not going to find anyone that would want to be with me. So let's not even talk about that. Just pray that I can lose a lot of weight. Thank you.

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Please pray for me as I try to lose weight
Posted : 15 Dec, 2020 06:56 AM

Hello, I too have struggled with body image issues and my weight. At the moment I am not overweight, but I constantly have to count calories. Ok, here is my tip: mash potatoes (no butter) with baked beans and tuna in spring water will fill you. So will low fat Greek yoghurt, enlivened with some berries. Believe me, the calorie content against the satiety of these foods will leave feeling full. And you won't overeat, because it would take a bucket of low-fat Greek yoghurt to exceed your calorie count.

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Please pray for me as I try to lose weight
Posted : 13 Jan, 2021 06:03 PM

to the OP , I pray that 'may your divine helpers appear ' in Jesus name . walking I believe is good for us all to keep weight off . now I want you to talk to your body, to the situation ,speak aloud words of faith throughout the day and thank Jesus that it is done . example say ( excess weight you are not my portion , you are coming off me , I will be victorious , I will be of healthy weight in Jesus name I declare , oh I thankyou Jesus that in 2 years I will be unrecognisable oh hallelujah may ministering angels be released unto me to bless me with wisdom ) take authority over the mountain command it to lay bare and believe it . EXCESS BODY WEIGHT COME OFF ME NOW IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME I COMMAND . the battle is within our minds my friend , envision the weight is coming off and that you will have victory in Jesus .

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