Author Thread: I need prayers please

I need prayers please
Posted : 13 Jun, 2014 02:52 PM

Please pray for me. I've got a lot going on and I'm feeling overwhelmed. My sister is moving away in two weeks. I got an appointment with my job coach on the 17th. I'm gonna get some dental work done. Where I go to Church every Sunday they are gonna do some major changes and my brother will be moving into a home soon (he has sever autism). None of these are bad things and I'm not complaining about them it just feels very overwhelming to me. Change is difficult for me to adapt to in the first place and all this feels to much and its a lot of big things and they seem to be happening all at once. So please pray that GOD help me to accept the changes because I want to accept them and I wanna respond calmly but that's very difficult for me to do. Also my Mom got a job which is a good thing but with my sister moving in two weeks that's gonna leave just me cleaning the house and taking care of my brother because my step-dad doesn't wanna do that. So I'm afraid that I won't even be able to go and see my job coach or get my teeth done or anything because I'll need to stay home to look after my brother. I don't mind watching my brother but I don't wanna become his mom which is basically what will happen once my sister has moved away. If I have to I'm prepared and will make a deal with my Mom that I will stay home every night and every day and clean the house and look after my brother and take care of everything without complaint or argument as long as I can go to Church and CR. And I'll basically become mom until my brother moves into a home and who knows when that will be. My Mom keeps putting that off. The sooner the better for him t move to a home because my step-dads rule is my brother must stay in his room all day and not to come out until its mealtime and even then my brother must be quiet the whole time. So please pray about all this. I don't wanna become mom I wanna see my job coach and get work and move out and that kinda thing. I'm not ready to be a mom yet but I will if I have to. So please keep all that in lots of prayer.

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I need prayers please
Posted : 15 Jun, 2014 02:17 PM

Jenny will keep you in prayer. Asking the LORD to let your mom put your brother in a christian environment and he is able to roam free. And that you will be able to accept the change and be able to live your life and not be in bondage.

That you will be used mightly of the LORD. Please talk to your Pastor and tell him of your concerns. Also surround yourself with strong prayer warriors. Also praying for your step dad who is treating your brother with contempt.


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