I need prayer for an addiction. I'm addicted and obsessed with Sherlock Holmes. I have been since I was 13 years old and I'm now 26 years old. I literally can't stop myself from thinkin about him all the time. I look at pictures and watch shows of him all the time. its weird but I feel like I need to keep staring at his picture and watch shows of him. I know I don't need to but I feel like I need to if that makes any sense at all and when I can't I get very antsy. But when I dabble in that when I come back to reality I feel convicted and guilty for not spending that time with GOD it is idolatry. I have asked GOD many times to make Sherlock Holmes real which of course won't happen. I have daydreamed of him constantly. I can't stop myself and I know I need to. This is gonna sound very weird but I think I've fallen in love with Sherlock Holmes. As werid and as impossible as that may seem I think I have. I don't wanna be cause he isn't real. Even while I'm reading the Bible he pops back into my head. I found a good ministry online called Faith Comes By Hearing and I listen to and read the Bible there and he still pops into my head. When I wake up hes there. When I go to bed hes there. I listen to music hes there. I'm at Church hes there. I don't want him to be there but he is. I know its weird but part of me is almost expecting him to be real and just suddenly appear and then my dreams would come true. Doing my best to not think of Sherlock Holmes by reading the Bible and listening to Christian music and CR and Church and Christian chatrooms and Christian forums but he's still there he never goes away. No matter what I do hes always there even though I don't want him to be. Its weird but sometimes I am glad for this addiction obsession because even though I know its wrong it does feel good to think of him as a husband. I haven't had a date or any attention from any guys at all in 4 years this June. I mean literally nothing from guys not even a wink nothing and I am a human being after all. So it feels good to think of someone giving me some attention. I have wished many times that my obsession wouldn't be a bad thing that GOD would tell me its ok and its not a sin which of course He's not gonna do that. Its just part of me still hopes that Sherlock Holmes will become real and I can't seem to let go of that hope even though I need to. If I had the power to make Sherlock real then I would in a heartbeat without thought I don't have that power though but I wish I did. So please pray as I really need GOD's help with this addiction obsession and if He doesn't help me there will be no getting rid of Sherlock Holmes.