Author Thread: I need prayer and practical ideas please

I need prayer and practical ideas please
Posted : 28 Dec, 2013 12:01 PM

I need to figure out how to get a regular income to support myself so I can move out and be on my own and pay bills and rent and all that sort of jazz. I am 26 years old and I do need to figure out my future. My parents will not be alive forever to look after me and I can't live the rest of my life being a charity case. I can't get a job cause I have no GED and no experience in anything at all. Once those hiring find that out its an automatic no. Can't get my GED cause I have no money to do that. I would do that if I had money to sure but I don't and GED's are not free. Ya there are places that advertise free GED's but they are all scams and you just get a piece of paper that means nothing and does not help you. Plus no experience now nobody told me that would be needed or I would have volunteered a whole lot more as a teenager but I didn't know. Can't change the past though that's gone. Can't volunteer now I need work. Bible says if I don't work I don't eat. And I want to work I really honestly do but as soon as they find out I have no GED and no experience I get turned down. Nothing I can do about that. It's just the way it is. I tried to get on disability cause I have Autism. But the place that diagnosed me says I'm not disabled enough yet another place says I am and they want to re-diagnose me again. I have been diagnosed many times I feel as if I have seen every doctor on the planet. I haven't but that's how it feels. I frankly don't care what my diagnosis is and I would rather not get diagnosed again. Seems like all that these doctors wanna do is just keep putting me under their microscope and diagnose me but not do anything to help me at all. An idea came to me to sell Avon and I thought it was from GOD so I went ahead and started Avon this past Halloween. I really thought it was an answer to prayer cause I was worried about work stopping me from going to Church, Celebrate Recovery and a home Bible study at a friends house. With Avon I can make my own hours so I really thought it was an answer to prayer. Cause I am not willing to miss Church, CR or Bible study for work that's a no I won't do that. The problem is that I have not been paid yet. I have had customers but enough to get paid. Cause it goes through many people before it ever gets to me. First the tax people, then Avon head office, then my district sales manager, then my upline and then me if there is anything left. One lady worked for Mary Kay six months before she was paid anything. And there is a chance that I will never be paid ever for my work. Trouble is there is no way to really truly know that. I could very well just be spinning my wheels here with this thing and get no where. But unless I lie applications or a GED and experience just magically happens poof I will never be hired for anything that's a fact. I can't even start my own business cause one I have no idea what I would do and two the saying you need money to make money is true and I don't have any money. I need practical ideas here. I keep getting alot of cliche's and stuff like that. They are nice to hear but they don't help me at all. Some people quote me Bible verses like the one in Jeremiah that says GOD has plans, hope and a future for me. Well that's great and wonderful but I'm sure GOD does not just want me to just sit here and wait for some miracle He expects me to do something. Thing is I have no idea what to do. I got Christmas money and I got myself a lottery ticket thinkin maybe GOD wants me to win the lottery. I now see how stupid that was but I'm pulling at straws here really and I didn't win of course. So lately I been praying to have a husband to provide for me but that doesn't seem to be happening. So I dunno what the answer is. So please pray for me on this and if you have any practical ideas for me please tell me. And telling me I'm speaking negative stuff and need to be more positive doesn't help. The world says "believe and achieve." That doesn't help me at all. I can believe all I want that there is no gravity but that doesn't mean I achieve anti-gravity. So just prayer and practical ideas please.

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I need prayer and practical ideas please
Posted : 28 Dec, 2013 10:20 PM


Your frustration is understandable.

I do not know your community so I am going upon my knowledge of my own area. If you have already tried these please do not allow me to add to your frustration.

1. Check with local social work agencies for what services are available in your area. Don't take this wrong or addressed to you but homeless shelters are used to helping people who do not have diplomas or GEDs earn GEDs through grants or scholarships.

2. Don't rule out applying for disability. Talk to the councilors or directors at homeless missions and find out what doctors are favorable to helping a person get on disability. I used to work at a Christian homeless shelter so I know that word gets around as to who to see. They can probably recommend a social worker to try to get to assist you.

3. Network. You have probably already done this but I will throw it out there anyway. Ask all the people that you know locally to reach out for possible opportunities, this includes your pastor. This is a portion of your pastors "job description" to look after his flock. Many don't have the connections to refer you to but it may be a opportunity to for your pastor to make those connections.

4. Volunteer. This helps you to be productive. It shows potential employers that you are not just sitting around. It gives you more people to Network with. It help you work on people skills (you may not need that as much as some of us do). It also helps you to see yourself in a better light.

5. Keep reading your Bible and praying to Jesus. Not only for answers to your needs but to know Him and to worship Him for who He is and not just for what He blesses you with. Praise Him for the answers to your prayers before you see the answers.

6.Don't stop worshiping, praising, and working to draw closer to God. No matter what happens in your life you can never go wrong with being more intimate with Jesus.

If non of this helps I know Jesus is there for you.

May the Lord our God cover you and bring Glory to himself through you


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I need prayer and practical ideas please
Posted : 16 Jan, 2014 06:07 AM

Be encouraged. The Lord will remember you for good. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but deliverance out of them all is the Lord's task, not men's. Stop looking towards men for your downfalls and upliftments.

They'll fail you again and again. They'll polish you with wounds after wounds. But many like you, have been delivered on the journey, I can boldly say. You are not alone in the valley walk, and only the best is good for you too, you are worth more than many sparrows.

The One who is ever present in moments of storms, when friends and even families disappear is the Lord your God, and He's going with you. He won't abandon you or leave you; He doesn't get tired, He can't be fired. He's the Lord of all journeys. He's not forgotten you.

He's the Author and Finisher of all destinies. He knew you before you were formed, only His report for you is best, unmatchable!


God bless you.


Your friend in Christ Jesus.

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