Author Thread: Please pray for me I'm being Spiritually attacked

Please pray for me I'm being Spiritually attacked
Posted : 3 Oct, 2013 11:36 PM

Please pray for me I'm getting Spiritually attacked. The devil has been pouring horrible negative thoughts into my head. Telling me that I'm not good for anything, that I have no hope or no future. Reminding me that I have no GED or any degrees or any income at all. I have been feeling lately that maybe that's true. I was brought that all I was good for is cleaning and that has been all I have been taught how to do is clean. My parents figured since I have special needs that well why dream big I'll never really become anything so just have me clean and that's it. GOD has been reminding me of Jeremiah where He says He has plans, hope and future for me but I have been having doubts. I know that sounds horrible but right now I find it hard to help. My parents a few years ago tried to get me SSD cause of my disability but I was re-diagnosed and was found not sever enough for that so they sent me over to another place to get help there but they disagree with the diagnosis and want me to get re-diagnosed again and the appointment for that isn't even until the new year. I have been diagnosed so many times by so many doctors and I'm tired of it. I don't wanna go through this anymore I just wanna move on with my life but I dunno how. I just can't see any possible way right now of moving on. I feel like the whole world wants me to just shut up and just be invisible. I feel like I'm chained down with a blanket over me and having people walk all over me and I'm supposed to just grin and bear it. I feel like I'm not allowed to complain but its ok for anyone else to do that but me. I feel like I'm not allowed to move on as if it were some horrible thing to want and that everyone else is allowed to move on and learn and grow but me. I feel like the whole world is moving on without me. Please pray for me and send back any encouragement please I really need it.

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Please pray for me I'm being Spiritually attacked
Posted : 4 Oct, 2013 04:26 PM

Jenny, it's good that you recognize the negative thoughts and statements are from the devil. He does not want you to progress and knows how to bring you down.

How did the revival go at your church? You were involved with prayer for it...if it was really good, he's going to work harder to drag you down. Tell him to get behind you.

This is a tough time to find a job... If you're good at cleaning try applying at hotels or a maid service. It doesn't have to be a long term job, but something to get you out and about earning some money so that you can move forward.

If you can't find a job right now you can find someplace to volunteer, a hospital, school, your church, nursing home, etc. you might be able to get some experience and some references and if an opening comes up they might hire you.

Keep praying and seeking God's will and direction...He will help you through!

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