Author Thread: Please pray for my Pastor

Please pray for my Pastor
Posted : 17 Feb, 2013 03:27 PM

I sense from him alot of worry like he is sick with worry. I also sense from him that he's carrying many problems that are not his own. I also sense from him pain not physical pain but emotional pain. I also sense that there is a spiritual battle going on inside him. I also saw a spiritual being pouring negative thoughts into his head. I also saw spiritual beings fighting to shut him up and stop him from spreading the Gospel. I also saw the devil in the form of a snake tempting him. And I saw a tall dark figure following him. I've seen this figure before it used to follow me and now its after my Pastor. I dunno if it has a name but I personally call it Mr. tall, dark and creepy. Mr. tall, dark and creepy hates literally hates all people and gets joy out of self destruction. Its after my Pastor cause Mr. tall, dark and creepy wanted my destruction but my Pastor helped me out so that didn't happen so now its after him. Please pray for him.

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