Prayer for the Women of God - Pounding On Your Door, Lord!
Posted : 24 Nov, 2012 04:12 PM
Pounding On Your Door, Lord! 2012-11-24
Dear Lord,
You said "Ask and ye shall receive", "Seek and ye shall find", and "Knock and it shall be opened unto you." Matthew 7:7
O my Lord and God!
I have asked and asked and asked and have not yet received! I have knocked and knocked and knocked, and the door hasn't opened! 8 years, Lord! I know Your time and ways and not ours, Lord. But the time has come for *many* of your righteous women of God, who have been faithful, obedient, and celibate, standing solid, believing with faith on the Rock of Salvation, Jesus Christ.
Years have gone by, and Your Word has gone forth. It is time for promised blessings to be fulfilled; it is time for Your Word not to return void, but to be made manifest into reality into lives as promised, O Lord!
So today, O Lord, my God, I POUND on the gates of heaven, I no longer knock politely, Lord, but I will batter, beat, hammer, pound on the gates of heaven over and over again, dear Lord, and not give up until YOU hear and answer our prayers!
I will batter until I break down that wall keeping my prayers and those of other righteous women of God, from going straight up to Your throne Room, where You sit in magnificent splendor upon Your throne, clothed in righteousness and veiled in power and holiness!
O Lord God, hear the pleas of your children as they seek Your Face! See our pain and suffering and assuage it, dear Lord! Keep us "on hold" no longer, but MOVE for us and be merciful unto us, I pray!
We trust You, love and adore You, Lord! We give You honor, power, glory, and thanksgiving for every good gift, and we ask that YOU remember us, Lord! For all of us, I *claim* what You have promised, knowing that You are a God of kept promises, and trusting that one day soon, You will remember those promises and Your grieving children, the widows and alone, righteous Women of God!