Author Thread: Ladies, need prayer?

Ladies, need prayer?
Posted : 12 Nov, 2012 07:08 AM

I fall in love when I read this prayer. I am smile alone and I found it so sweet. :hearts:. So I decide want share here. Yes! The best is yet to come. Never late and never early but in perfect timing.

Lord, I pray for a man that will part of my life. A man that really loves You more than everything. A man that lives not for himself but for You. He must know for whom and what he lives, so his life isn't useless. Someone that not only adores me, but can warn me when I'm wrong. A man can be my best friend. A man that makes me feel woman when I'm beside him. I don't ask for perfect man but I ask for an imperfect man. A man that needs my support, , my love, my prayer for his life. Give me Your hand so I always be able to pray for him. Give me Your eye so I can see good things in him not the bad one. Give me Your mouth so that is filled with Your words of wisdom so I can support him. And I want that finally both of us can say "How great Thou Art". Amen.

"And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail". - Isaiah 58:11

Have faith in the Lord than yourself. God bless you.

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