Author Thread: Let the good in, and Backhand the Bad!

Let the good in, and Backhand the Bad!
Posted : 13 Mar, 2011 07:53 PM

When I first began studying the history of the Christian faith, one of

the things that I was surprised by was the whole idea of a monastary.

The idea that if you wanted to REALLY walk close with God you would

literally wall yourself off from the world.

Once you did that you would live a simple and strict life of rules

that were designed to keep your mind on God and off of all the

distractions and temptations of the world.

Now this was of course, the Roman Catholic idea of holiness and

salvation, and the whole idea of literally walling yourself off from

the world is NOT in Scripture.

But living a Holy life IS, and keeping our minds on God IS, and we are

supposed to be IN this world but not OF it.

I find that living in the information age that "the world" is coming

at me very fast, and non-stop, and in High-definition!

I have to say "no" to things a bit more often than I did a few years


I wanted to buy a magazine that comes out once a year. It is a buyers

guide for guitars and amplifiers, etc. But, they put hugh hefner on

the cover with some of his "ladies" and so I didn't even bother to

look at what was inside.

I like comedy a lot but the comedy channel on direct TV, the shows and

comedians there usually at things I should not laugh at, or

they are slamming my faith.

But, now on the NRB channel, they have R.C.Sproul on everyday so that

is certainly a huge improvement.

The internet is the most extreme example of good and evil.

You can get the most vile wickedness imaginable, and you can also get

to read the early church fathers, and really good articles by great

Christian writers. Things that we could not get otherwise.

I think the internet CAN be a great thing to inspire and teach


One of the things I have enjoyed is just talking with other Christians

that I would have never "met" otherwise.

I am thankful for this. I not only get to talk to Christians in other

states in the USA, but also Christians from around the world.

I have had long correspondence with a missionary in Ukraine.

I once talked to a Russian girl who live on a very small remote Island

near Japan.

So, even though the bad seems to be coming at me a lot faster these

days, the good seems to have increased a bit also.

This does go along with my belief that the Bible teaches that good AND

evil will come to full maturity before Christ returns.

In Christ,


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Let the good in, and Backhand the Bad!
Posted : 28 Mar, 2011 04:13 PM

The internet, along with TV, radio and publishing, are all just reflections of society as it is at any given moment in time.

As the world at large goes further away from God, the evils that we see and hear about (in-glorious 3D with surround sound) will increase because more evil is happening. But the end is yet to come.

Although I believe we are living in "the last days" (be that actual days or many years is not for me to guess), I don't think I'd want to be around at the point just before Christ returns because the world will be a truly evil place by then. Still, those Christians surviving will see Christ return in full glory and splendour, riding on the clouds, etc. which would be awesome to witness.

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Let the good in, and Backhand the Bad!
Posted : 5 Apr, 2011 09:13 AM

Sir James.

Family Net "if you get it" shows Mark Lowery"probably spelled that wrong" also show a christian stand-up comedy show, called (Bananas) it's cute, funny, and not dirty!


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