Author Thread: Why can't the young and the old find the right person?

Why can't the young and the old find the right person?
Posted : 11 Mar, 2011 12:26 PM

Why can't the young and the old find the right person for Marriage?

I am posting this in each section, because of the importance in getting responses.

I look back when I met my ex-wife 35 years ago. We bumped into each other in a parking lot. We smiled at each other, and then we talked to each other. Then I called her for a date and we both knew soon after, we were in love. We were not equally yoked, but the pastor from my church didn't put emphasis on the matter, after 27 years of marriage, then came our divorce. Can we really find Love on the Internet? Many say they can.

I have a son 30 and a daughter 24 and neither are in a relationship. I see more young people on here than the older ones. I believe people are not the same as they were 40 years ago. People today would rather surf the web for a date than look for a date. People in general don�t smile to strangers, let alone speak to strangers. If they do, they would rather text on the phone or email than call them again.

The core to the problem, people are interested in their gadgets and their busy lives more than the fellowship in talking with them in person. We need to get back to the Golden Rule that we have lost over the years. We should be kind and love everyone, that is what the Bible tells us to do!

Is it because we are living in the last days?

In the Book of Daniel he tells us people will go to and fro and knowledge will increase. We see this today in so many ways.

Another word for the Internet is going to and fro, along with how fast we can get anywhere on this earth today.

Would love to hear what others think about this issue.

:buddies: or :devil:

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Why can't the young and the old find the right person?
Posted : 16 Mar, 2011 07:02 PM

I believe we rush off into relationships. We don't wait on the LORD. We seem to put more into finding a house or a car then we do with a mate. For instance if you want a four bedroom house you tell a person you aren't interested if they try to give you a 3 bedroom house. Also you have a list of what you are looking for and stick to it.

As for a mate we rush into relationships. Not thinking about values and also we have the mentality I can always get out of it. Men don't search for a Proverbs 31 wife. They seem to look for outter beauty and not the inner beauty. It is more based on the lust of the flesh than geared toward the spirit. We need to be in the prayer closet and ask the LORD for that husband or wife.

Another thing we pray for a Christian mate which is all well and good. But is not enought. Because suppose a person is very spiritual and lets say you love the outdoors and they hate the outdoors. You are a cuddler and they can't stand to be touched. It would be doomed to fail. So you also need to have things in common not just looking for a Christian mate.

I believe we each have our own puzzle piece but what happens with most of us is we get hooked up with the wrong person. Which gives us a distorted picture. The person who is our match will be the perfect fit. But it is our ability to wait on the LORD and not get caught up in the valley of Lonliness which causes us to make bad choices.

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Why can't the young and the old find the right person?
Posted : 18 Mar, 2011 05:18 PM

For me finding a mate is like finding the pearl of great price. Like in the bible story, that after the merchant find the pearl of great price, he was willing to sell everything he has to get that land containing the treasure. It was not said, he just get the treasure itself, he has to buy the whole lot.

I think relationships fail because after finding the pearl of great price, finders don�t want to accept the whole package containing the treasure. He/she just want the pearl. When weaknesses surface, giving up starts, moving on begins and back to the cycle.

It is a decision of two people, pearls of great price and imperfect, that if only one stick with the commitment, sure it is doomed to fail. The internet gives us the notion it is easy to move on and find another pearl without weakness but do you guys think there is perfect one out there?

I also believe that when relationship fail, it is God�s answer to prayers of safety. It might be that God foresee the future and something in that potential partner is dangerous, he himself or the situation around him. Most here are divorced and the troubled youth that comes along need a lot of adjustment. I think that is why men prefer younger women for most are single, and don�t have children to deal with. Again, I might just be reading a lot of Ann Rule stories that I tend to rationalize that way.

The bottom line is, we are cautious because this is about finding someone to live with and we and people we love could end up dead fast if we paired with the wrong one. Our time is different. :prayingm::prayingf:

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