Author Thread: In Search of True Christian Charity...........

In Search of True Christian Charity...........
Posted : 5 Mar, 2011 05:04 PM

I am a conservative. I get my political views from the Bible, and

secondly from our constitution. I am a self-employed contractor, so

signing contracts and upholding them to the letter and the spirit, is

a very big part of my job.

I expect the constitution to be followed, and I am very unhappy that

we have went so far from it.

I have nothing but disgust for the socialists in this country.

The fact that they feign compassion constantly, while doing the

opposite just makes me hate them more.

I have debated a few misguided souls who I think are Christians but

have brought their liberalism with them, and they try to interpret the

Bible through their allegiance to leftism.

The worst examples want to reduce the Bible to two verses and then

misinterpret those two verses to fit modern leftist commandments.

Those verses are, or course:

1. "Judge not, lest ye be judged"

2. "Turn the other Cheek"

The misinterpretation is the modern leftist demands that no one ever

say that anything is a sin, and that we should be pacifists.

When you explain to them that the hebrew phrase "Turn the other cheek"

meant not to sue someone even though you have the right, they are not

interested. The Bible takes a back seat to their cherished political


I have said all that to say this: As a Christian, I know good and

well that compassion for the poor is my duty, and that God expects this

of every believer who has the means to do so.


I have found out that the typical leftist government idea of charity

is pretty much the opposite of what God says is charity.

I wish to help the poor. Not the artificial, always being redefined,

leftist definition of "poor", but what "poor" means in the Bible.

At one time I was very open minded about "the poor".

Then, I became a property manager and watched the total abuse of

welfare by the vast majority of people who were using it.

Then, I did something that changed me forever.

I went to the former soviet union.

I met actual poor people.

I had children come to me on the street begging.

It was quite a shock for a typical fat spoiled American like me.

I know there are some actual poor people in the USA.

But the vast majority that are counted as "poor" are not poor at all.

Not according the Biblical definition.

I have decided that I give to Head start, and if I actually know of

someone who is in need, I will certainly give to them.

I am against ALL government "charities" because I think they just grow

more "poor" people, so the Dems will (in theory) have more folks who

depend on them.

We have the richest "poor" people in the whole world!

The majority of my charitable giving goes to actual poor people in

other countries.

One thing I would like to point out to anyone who might be influenced

more by their leftwing politics than what the Bible says is that ALL

the admonitions for us to give to the poor SPECIFICIALLY says that we

are to give it PERSONALLY. There is no "nanny state" in the Bible.

so, If I am against government taking everyone's money, and then taking

a HUGE chunk off the top, and giving the leftovers to whoever fills

out the proper forms.....PLEASE don't confuse that with "not caring

for the poor."

I am a Christian, and TRUE CHRISTIAN charity is very important to me.

"Conservatives are generous with their own money, liberals are

generous with other peoples money."

In Christ,


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In Search of True Christian Charity...........
Posted : 5 Mar, 2011 05:55 PM

I agree 100%!!

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In Search of True Christian Charity...........
Posted : 7 Mar, 2011 08:58 AM

I voiced my views on the other thread James.Dennis

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In Search of True Christian Charity...........
Posted : 11 Mar, 2011 08:53 PM

I know of a woman in MD who is 50 and lives with her old mum who is 80+ and they both live in poverty in USA....I was so surprised when I heard about them...both are sickly but with prayer are healing slowly but this is a sad case compared to what USA is known for.

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