Author Thread: Please be respectful, I really wanta know what all think

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Please be respectful, I really wanta know what all think
Posted : 2 Mar, 2011 04:51 PM

Do you personally think that some of the bible was meant just for the time if was written in?

For instance: That a man should always be the head of the house?

this is just one example, another would be women keeping silent in church, or not teaching the men.

what do YOU think?

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Please be respectful, I really wanta know what all think
Posted : 2 Mar, 2011 06:07 PM

In my opinion, the Bible was as true back then as it is today. Afterall, if we start picking and choosing what does and doesn't apply nowadays, where would it end?


T :)

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Please be respectful, I really wanta know what all think
Posted : 2 Mar, 2011 06:29 PM

Good questions.

I do not think the Bible was meant just for the time it was written. All of it, I believe, is relevent today.

If you have any doubts about some parts (such as the two you mentioned), remember to read them in context. Never take the verses out of context. Ask mature Christians about it. Look up commentaries, or read the references in a Study Bible about those verses.

And most of all --- ask God to reveal it to you. God WANTS you to understand Him and draw closer to Him. And so He WANTS you to understand His word and what He is saying in it. So ask.

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Please be respectful, I really wanta know what all think
Posted : 2 Mar, 2011 07:50 PM


I think the more pertinent question is:

Was the Bible written by God or by men?

If you say men, then it doesn't matter when it was written, because it is just the opinions of men.

If you say God, then it doesn't matter when it was written, because it is God speaking to humanity.

PS. If you are having trouble with a particular verse, just remember time is context also. The verse must be interpreted in light of the times it was written in. Particulars change, principles don't.

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Posted : 2 Mar, 2011 08:36 PM

ditto what everyone above said.

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Please be respectful, I really wanta know what all think
Posted : 3 Mar, 2011 08:00 AM

The verse you used was written for a certain problem. Women may have been speaking out of line at church. They may also have been undermining their husbands position.

paul also wrote husbands love your wives as christ loved the church.

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Please be respectful, I really wanta know what all think
Posted : 5 Mar, 2011 11:17 AM

The bible does not say man or the husband is head of the house. It say man is head of the woman like Christ is to the church. But unlike a man, Christ is the only way of salvation, it is not a man or husband. be careful not to give to a man what is God's.

Abraham's wife respected her husband and called him lord not because he was her head or because he deserved it.

The Word for head also means "source" or "fountain head."

The progression of head as source is seen as ...God sent Christ, Man was created through Christ, and woman was taken out of man. Following this progression, Children come from the mother and she would then be their head or source. Any husband with half a brain knows that the woman or wife is really the head of the home. that's where she shines as the woman identifies with her home while the man is primarily known by his work.

This false (teaching) view of making man head of the house puts women down. Which some may not care for. As a man though, I see this as more serious. Men are not always sensitive to women's feelings. That includes me.

But IMHO, making men head of the home adds extra work for the husband. He goes out and works and now he has to be head of the house too? God forbid. Don't try to strap me with a woman who denies her spiritual duties and then makes the excuse her husband is not a good enough head.

The head or spiritual head of the man is to be the woman's emotional source. Like the physical source, this will affect every other area of the woman including her attitude towards the home.

daves7days :yay:


"let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need." Ephesians 4:28

�Do not labor for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life"

John 6:27a.

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Posted : 5 Mar, 2011 02:08 PM


I just want to make sure I'm not reading too much into what you are saying. When you are saying that the man is only the head of the woman and not of the house, are you saying that the woman is the only one responsible for the spiritual lessons of her children, or are you saying the woman is responsible for the management of running the household, i.e. food, bills, laundry, etc.

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Please be respectful, I really wanta know what all think
Posted : 7 Mar, 2011 10:38 AM


this was eye-opening!

Kat, I'm really not sure how I meant it.

Everyone, thanks for giving me so much to consider.

I exspecially agree with twospparows.

Christ should be Head of home.


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Please be respectful, I really wanta know what all think
Posted : 7 Mar, 2011 01:55 PM


I just want to make sure I'm not reading too much into what you are saying. When you are saying that the man is only the head of the woman and not of the house, are you saying that the woman is the only one responsible for the spiritual lessons of her children, or are you saying the woman is responsible for the management of running the household, i.e. food, bills, laundry, etc.


The traditional view of man as the head or leader is certainly a truth we hold to be self evident. But in Christian circles the Traditional view vs the Complementarian view has been debated. Basically, IMO men and women, created both in God's image, are equal (spiritually). But according to the flesh the men rule over the women.

But in today's world, it is turned around. Women rule and men drool, so it seems. This is what it means when a woman "usurps" her authority over the man. The wife is given to rule over her husband...

1 Cor 7:4,

"The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife."

The prostitute usurps authority over the man by using sexual powers. A wife should not trade sex for housework and therfore play the harlot towards her husband :yay:

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Please be respectful, I really wanta know what all think
Posted : 9 Mar, 2011 05:27 AM

Look at the old testament- question answered.

Outside of that, I think that people take Paul's commands out of context, and they also fail to realize that some things Paul was merely saying as a person who was working in the church (as a Christian). Paul wasn't infallible; he made mistakes just like the rest of us. But people seem to worship the apostles as if they were perfect, which they weren't.

Before the fall, man and woman were equal. Genesis says that part of the curse was that men would rule over women. But Christ died on the cross so that we could get free from the curse, and we need to step into the victory that he already paid for.

As for women being silent in the church, how many churches actually follow that as strictly as it could be interpreted? Do many churches actually force women to be silent right as they are walking in the church doors? I've heard Paul gave that command because back then women sat on one side of the church and men on the other, and so the women had to yell to talk to their husbands. I don't know if that is true or not, but it would give a good explanation for Paul's words. I don't personally believe women should be silent in the church- that cuts off 50% of the human population. I have no problem with women being pastors/overseers either, as they are just as capable and have the same Holy Spirit working inside them that I do.

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