Author Thread: The Bully

The Bully
Posted : 9 Feb, 2011 06:06 AM

We teach our children that to stand and watch another child being picked on or made fun of is the wrong thing to do.

If a Christian sees this being done, should they speak up or just stay out of it to avoid the conflict?

You opinions please!

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The Bully
Posted : 9 Feb, 2011 08:43 AM

I do not like seeing people being picked on; it's kind of a pet peeve of mine. I think as Christians we should speak up, but not in a rude or confrontational manner. We need to approach the situation with love and try to mediate between the people involved. As a teacher, I often play the role of mediator between my students. I always offer the opportunity for the students involved to talk through what happened and why and how it makes them feel. During the conversation, I always ask the bully if he or she would like it if someone did that to them. Something I teach my students and will definitely teach my own children someday is to treat everyone how you want to me treated.

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The Bully
Posted : 9 Feb, 2011 10:51 AM

When I was young, some disabled chidren (brother and sister) and I rode the same school bus. A few of the older kids would pick on them when the bus driver wasn't paying attention. I would get so mad, but because they were older, I was scared to say anything because I was afraid they would be mean to me. So initially, I told my mother about it, to see if she could help...didn't work. Then, I told the bus driver...didn't work.

The torment continued for the disabled kids and I felt so helpless and guilty! Until one day, I'd had enough. I stood up to those bullies (in a very loud voice! Haha!) and said they had better leave them alone or I would make sure they got what was coming to them! Haha! I didn't even know what I was referring to, but they sure didn't either!

Sometimes I still feel like that little kid that doesn't know what I'm talking about. Eventually, I'll get stronger. =)

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The Bully
Posted : 9 Feb, 2011 11:12 AM

Great question Deborah.

(since I kinda have a clue to what brought it.... your interjection was very much appreciated, as it affirmed what I thought I was seeing, sometimes it is good to know that your not the only one seeing something a certian way)

Now to the question:

It depends what it is, for example:

Proverbs 19:19 A hot tempered man must pay the penalty; if you rescue him you will have to do it again.

Proverbs 31:9 Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.

Proverbs 26:17 Like one who seizes is a dog by the ears is a passer-by who meddles in a quarrel not his own.

It will take wisdom and the Holy Spirit to know which Proverb to choose.

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The Bully
Posted : 9 Feb, 2011 05:12 PM

Good advice, twosparrows.

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The Bully
Posted : 9 Feb, 2011 06:23 PM

As a Sunday School teacher I do not allow any form of bullying between kids.

As an adult outside of the classroom -- I would say something if I could and felt the other person was not defending themselves.

I think it would depend on the circumstances, but most likely I would say something.

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The Bully
Posted : 10 Feb, 2011 09:18 AM

I do not like guys who give women a hard time. I will speak against the guy. It has gotten me into trouble on this site with a few guys in the past.

I also do not like to see animals beat up. I took a half frozen cat I found last night to work for treatment late last night. A bully can also be someone who just abuses animals and people.

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The Bully
Posted : 10 Feb, 2011 09:18 AM

I do not like guys who give women a hard time. I will speak against the guy. It has gotten me into trouble on this site with a few guys in the past.

I also do not like to see animals beat up. I took a half frozen cat I found last night to work for treatment late last night. A bully can also be someone who just abuses animals and people.

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The Bully
Posted : 10 Feb, 2011 09:18 AM

I do not like guys who give women a hard time. I will speak against the guy. It has gotten me into trouble on this site with a few guys in the past.

I also do not like to see animals beat up. I took a half frozen cat I found last night to work for treatment late last night. A bully can also be someone who just abuses animals and people.

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The Bully
Posted : 10 Feb, 2011 12:21 PM

i'm a child-care worker. nothing gets me angrer than when the kids pick on each other. I was picked on as a kid! working on, (praying on) dealing with bullies exfectivly.

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The Bully
Posted : 14 Feb, 2011 02:49 PM

I taught my girls to stay out of conflict and mind their business...but they didnt do it.

I have a heart for women that have been abused and that includes verbally and mentally. It hurts me to see someone attacked in ANY way and yes, I get involved to protect her heart. some people throw words around to loose and words hurt and damage. I wont let it happen. I've been through it myself but am on the other side and I praise God for that.

I have learned to choose my battles and not jump into everything I see, or I will pay attention and if I feel the Lords prompting, I will get involved.

not everyone knows their worth or the depth of the Fathers love for us, men and women, actually. If I can pass it on in any way, I will and am honored to do so.

I will take on a bully anyday (it's in my nature).:boxing:

but to defend someones heart is an honor.

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