Author Thread: How much Value...

How much Value...
Posted : 7 Feb, 2011 02:56 PM

How much Value does an Immortal Soul have to you ?

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Is it more valuable then your favorite TV Show? How about that extra 15 minutes sleep? Or, here's a good one, Is it more valuable then your Pride, what others think of you, or your reputation? Do you worry what others might think if you starting talking about Jesus?

Ok, Don't tune me out or stop reading. I'm going to tell you the truth, so listen-up. If you are not seeking the Lost, If you are not concerned about your world, then you are extremely SELFISH. I'm not saying you need to be going door-to-door forcing your neighbors to say the Sinner's Prayer. What I'm saying is, you need to:

1. Pray for opportunities to share your Faith

2. Have compassion on the condition of those around you.

3. Speak the Truth, Don't water it down! Hell is Real!

4. If you're not ready to be Bold as a Lion, then at least be a Wimpy Witness. You gotta start somewhere.

5. Never forget or take for granted the price of Salvation. Learn to value what God values.

There are many ways to share and express your Faith, find ways that fit your personality and abilities and then make them a part of your day-to-day life. Most of you have heard all of this before, and you might actually agree that you are selfish, but after hearing or reading a message like this, you go back to your normal ways, never changing and missing opportunity after opportunity. Please STOP! Take the time right now to make one small change in the right direction. Look for ways to express and share your Faith. Don't go back in your RUT. Today is the Day of Salvation!

How to Witness at Home and Anywhere!

It is life�s most blessed experience "Knowing Jesus" as Savior and Lord, and following Him for the Glory of God.

A natural part of following Jesus is to live in His life and way. We seek to obey His commands and express His desire. Jesus came �to seek and to save those who are lost". Luke 19:10

Sharing Jesus with others, or witnessing is to be an overflow of love and expression from a life now in Christ. It is to be a natural, joyful and powerful part of each believer's life.

May these tips help you to be a consistent, effective and fruitful witness of Jesus. Pray and start now! The harvest is ripe! Fear not� be creative and pray to be led by the Holy Spirit.

Jesus said, �The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest". Matthew 9:37-38. �I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!" John 4:35

God's power to change lives

�Therefore if any person be in Christ, they are a new creation, old things are passed away, behold all things have become new". 2 Corinthians 5:17

God can save anyone

God can save through anyone (you and me)

Be bold, loving, humble and enthusiastic

Witnessing is worth the sacrifice

God's power to save is worldwide, anyone, anytime, anyplace

Look for God's potential in every person

Home Witness!

1. Telephone: Put a Jesus witness message on your answer phone. Phone every one in your phone book for a witness (you might get others to help you on this taking a page or two each. Witness to every phone solicitor that calls you. Answer your phone with a witness like "God bless you, this is __________." Or something like it. This will start every conversation with a witness.

2. Gospel tracts and Jesus stickers: (Gospel tracts are small papers with scriptures and information on how to know Jesus as Savior. Jesus stickers are small round stick on labels that say �Smile God loves you� etc.) Put Gospel tracts in all your bills! Insert tracts on all �postage will be paid by� junk mail envelopes that come to your home. You could mail gospel tracts to every one in your neighborhood or city using the phone book for addresses. Put a tract or sticker in all your letters.

3. Invite friends and family to your home for dinner and fellowship and share a witness and prayer.

4. Witness to every repair and service person that comes to your home.

5. Use your computer and Internet connection as a worldwide witness station. You can share Jesus with people around the world.

Seek to be led by the Holy Spirit. The message is more important than the method. There is nothing that is essential for bringing someone to Christ except the conveying of the knowledge of Christ to them in whatever manner you can. Convicting and saving them is the work of the Holy Spirit. That's why we call witnessing "sharing Jesus Christ". You don't have to have a gospel tract in order to lead a person to Jesus. You don't have to have a Jesus sticker to be a witness. You don't even have to have the Bible in your hand. All you really need is Jesus in your heart. You must keep reminding yourself that it's not the technique or the material that leads a person to Christ.

Leading a person to Christ is leading a person to Christ. It is not teaching him about the latest Christian fad. It is not telling him all the ways in which you think his life needs to change. You need to discipline yourself to focus on your one purpose - you want to lead them to Christ.

The Big Question

When I give one of these tracts to a person, I smile and say, �I�d like to give you this�. �Do you know what the big question is?� Then, tell him. �If you had died the minute you started to read this, do you have the assurance that you would be in heaven?�

Other suggestions about witnessing�����

1. I challenge myself...maybe its to reach out to 3 people a week (sometimes more or less) whatever I'm led to challenge myself to that week. That way when I approach the person, I have an "excuse" as to why I am approaching them..."Mr./Mrs. So and So, I have been challenged to speak to 3 people this week about the you mind helping me meet my goal"...Then I don't have to get personal...I just say what I feel needs to be said and then I leave...I planted a seed. I tell them if they would like to have a conversation or have any questions, they can call me. Also, in the Bible "I will make you fisherman of men" doesn't say, when you feel like it or when you schedule allows I challenge myself and MAKE myself do it.

2. My husband has recently been called to evangelize in the streets, to a particularly bad hotel. I went with him one day and was in total awe at what our Father was doing with him. He gets day old bakery items from the local market and bags them up. He pulls into the hotel parking lot and as he sees someone he calls out to them telling them he has something to give them. They come over and he gets out a bag and as he hands it to them he tells them God loves them and asks if they have a prayer need he can pray with them about. It is awesome to see them respond with yes and to see the heart of God pour out to them thru my husbands mouth! Then I saw a woman (as the woman at the well) run to get a friend to bring back so that my husband could pray for her! Week after week now he has gone out there to share God's love with them...and he is building relationships as he goes...I know not all are called to be evangelists, but all are called to evangelize.


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How much Value...
Posted : 24 Feb, 2011 04:03 PM

I agree with your post, sister. A lost soul is very important in the eyes of God and how much He wants for that soul to come to Him with a repentant heart. We were that soul before. It is only by God's grace that we have now become what and who we are. Wouldn't it be just fitting to extend the very grace we received from God to others who have not yet known and experienced His liberating love?

Witnessing should be a lifestyle for us or those who profess to be believers and followers of Jesus. As I've said above, we have been blessed with the grace of salvation, and we in turn should be a channel of blessing to others so they can be saved as well. We are blessed to be a blessing. We cannot just keep this to ourselves.

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