Author Thread: To Juggle or Not To Juggle?

To Juggle or Not To Juggle?
Posted : 25 Jan, 2011 04:18 AM

Should a guy or gal be trying to 'get to know better" more than one person at a time? If yes, what's the limit? 2 or 20?

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To Juggle or Not To Juggle?
Posted : 25 Jan, 2011 04:48 AM

I think it depends on the people involved.

I met a guy on another site and we've become pretty good friends (considering we haven't met). Our schedules have conflicted. Ironically, I told him about this site just the other night and now he has set up a profile.

Personally, if I were to start communicating with someone seriously, I wouldn't regularly communicate with anyone else. It's definitely a topic to discuss between the two involved.

I hope I haven't been too confusing. :)

:waving: T

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To Juggle or Not To Juggle?
Posted : 25 Jan, 2011 06:15 AM

I don't see anything wrong with getting to know more than one person at a time. If you realize there is one certain person you enjoy talking to more than the others and the feeling is mutual I agree with browneyed girl that you might want to discuss it together.

But I think 20 would be waaaay too many, chevy.:laugh:


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To Juggle or Not To Juggle?
Posted : 25 Jan, 2011 06:59 AM

Considering this is a website and "getting to know someone" is via email, I see nothing wrong with talking with more than one at a time. I think if I am going to limit myself to one person then I definately will want to have met that person in real life. And I do think both parties need to be in agreement about limiting to just one person at a time.

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To Juggle or Not To Juggle?
Posted : 25 Jan, 2011 09:39 AM

I think its best if a person doesn't restrict it to just one person until they have met and established the idea that they are exclusive. Because honestly, until you meet, you just don't know the other person's intentions or seriousness towards it.

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To Juggle or Not To Juggle?
Posted : 25 Jan, 2011 10:09 AM

I see nothing wrong with getting to know multiple persons of the opposite sex at the same time -- as long as you're transparent about it and are not pretending to be exclusive with any of the individuals. You would want to be clear with each of the women you're talking with that you're also talking with other women. Once you become exclusive with any of them, then you need to let the others know and break anything off that would threaten the integrity of the relationship that you're in.

There are times when you may wish to only get to know one person at a time and that's fine, as well. It kind of depends on how you feel things are going. Even if I'm not actually exclusive with someone (or even dating him), I may choose to keep communication with other guys at a minimum, so that I can focus my efforts and also so that there isn't something romantic blossoming with two different people. Once I think that there's a good possibility that something romantic may develop with something, then I'm likely to start strongly discouraging other interested parties.

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To Juggle or Not To Juggle?
Posted : 25 Jan, 2011 12:17 PM

When one goes to a Party or a Church Picnic they socialize and talk to various people, sometimes it is just a hi or small talk, other times; a real discussion. Sometimes one will sit over in the corner talking specifically with one or a few. Sometimes phone numbers are given to be able to talk later. And sometimes two people will leave and go out to coffee.

*It isn't any different here.

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To Juggle or Not To Juggle?
Posted : 26 Jan, 2011 02:57 PM

When I first looked at this title, I was putting on my glasses. I thought I read 'jiggle!' Then I saw who was the author, and I just groaned. Now, all I have to do is see that one of you guys authored a thread and my mind assumes the worst. Sheesh! (And don't wonder who else I mean, sparrow. I am referring to Chevy AND you!)

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To Juggle or Not To Juggle?
Posted : 26 Jan, 2011 08:01 PM

Wasn't there a Walt Disney character that was a turtle with glasses? I can see him, but can't remember from where.

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To Juggle or Not To Juggle?
Posted : 26 Jan, 2011 08:31 PM

Yeah, I think there was a turtle in the old animated Robin Hood. You know, the one where all the characters are animals? LOVE that movie!

(Ridley, you weren't the only one to read the title that way...I sure did. And I even had in my contacts!)

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To Juggle or Not To Juggle?
Posted : 27 Jan, 2011 07:10 PM

I agree with LooneyK (and others)

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